Chapter 20 | Hello Rosie! (2)

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Back with Vaggie, (Y/n) and Carmilla, Vaggie was slammed onto a pillar as she and (Y/n) starts charging at Carmilla. While (Y/n) was able to get a few hits, Carmilla kicks Vaggie onto the floor. Vaggie gets up and starts charging again. At this point, (Y/n) stopped to catch her breathe not understanding why Carmilla was only attack Vaggie and only somewhat attacking her as if she was teaching Vaggie her strengths and weaknesses. Like she knew what Vaggie was.

Again, She kicks her onto the floor. Vaggie gets up and just barley points her spear at Carmilla before being kicked onto the floor again. "Fuck! Ow!" She yells as she gets up, only to be kicked yet again. She strikes at Carmilla twice but she dodges both times and kicks Vaggie again.

"Come on, what is this?" Vaggie says as she on the ground, watching Carmilla walk around her. "You want me to teach you how to beat angels? That's what I'm doing."

"By beating the shit out of me? I'm not used to fighting with long hair." As Vaggie charged at Carmilla, the latter took her hairnet down, revealing her full hair at lower position. "By showing you the flaws in your own fighting style. Yours and all your sisters'."

"Wait... you know she's an exorcist?" (Y/n) said, walking closer to the two.

"She has a giant X over her eye and wields an angelic spear. It's not rocket science. I wouldn't be surprised if you figured it out already?" Carmilla asks (Y/n) as she nods. She then turn back to Vaggie. "Before you found out about me, did you know angels could be harmed?"

"No." Vaggie answered, as Carmilla goes to kick her again but this time Vaggie dodges. She goes for a knee kick, and it hits. "That shows in how you fight. You leave yourself open with every swing." Carmilla says as she throws Vaggie's spear back to her. "You fight like someone unafraid of harm, and this is what you'll take advantage of."

Both the girls eyes widen, understanding on how they can defend themselves from the exorcists. "Angels wield no shields, little armor and fight with reckless abandon." Carmilla explains as she walks around them until she was at their side. "Strike them here, here, and here." She says as she kicks Vaggie twice before kicking (Y/n) once at the area where to attack the exorcists.

"Argh! With what? Some secret weapon of yours?" Vaggie asks as (Y/n) was in deep thought before realizing the answer. "Ugh, of course... Vaggie.. its-"

"Stupid girl, are you really so dense you don't realize you're holding the answer?" Carmilla says, gesturing to Vaggie's weapon. "Angelic weapons? It's that simple? How has no one else figured this out?" She asks.

"Angelic steel isn't common, and those who have it aren't exactly rushing off to test it against exorcists." Carmilla explains as she remembers the last extermination. Carmilla and her daughters were trying to avoid exorcists. But as they are running, they get caught by 3 of them. "But my daughters and I were cornered in that last extermination, I tried to buy time for my girls to flee, and well... You don't become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first.

One of the exorcists flies in the air and charges at Carmilla. She then jumps in the air. The angelic steel blade on her boots sparkle, as she falls down and uses the blades to cut the exorcist's head off.

Carmilla: I see you're driven by your detestation. Your every step is stoked with animus

Carmilla walks forward as she jumps above to the second floor. As she hold herself for moment before she now stands on the railing as she stares down at the two before jumping back down.

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