Little katniss x cgs clove and cato

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When Katniss volunteered as tribute she was nervous because she hoped she wouldn't slip into her little space because if he did she thought she would be screwed and she knows Peeta only tolerated her to be nice for the cameras but he was a natural he hated littles and looked down on them and she knows Effie is a dom and haymitch is a dom so they were out the window to help her if she was to slip into little space .

When they started to train for the games she saw Cato and clove and when she saw them she knew they wears both are a mommy and daddy dom and katniss thought to herself try to stay away from them and she saw rue a 12 year old girl who was also a little getting help from her district partner Thresh who was helping her tie her shoe and katniss looks at rue with respect and affection for her but she also felt resentment because there was rue being in her toddler little space freely and happily and when Katniss looked down at what she was doing she saw her had was red and raw almost making her cry for her mother and she sees two shadows over her and they bend down to her and clove says sweetie aw you hurt your hand and Cato kisses katniss's forehead and says come on little one let's go get this patched up and clove says aw baby shh it's ok

Katniss says me not supposed to be wittle currently me has to be a big girl and Cato says what about marvels little over there who is from district four Stacie odair she is finnick and Annie's little and Katniss say fiwe me be Wittle for you mama dada and that makes Cato and clove smile and they say katnip how old are you in little space and Katniss says me go from newborn-2 year old and then a few days later in the arena they take Katniss with them running in the woods and she fells her self slipping into little space and she yells mama dada and Cato and clove go over to her and say hay baby it's gonna be ok mama and dada have this ok they give her pacifier and they put a diaper on her and hand her a stuffy and Katniss shakes the bear it's a rattle and she puts it into her mouth and coos and babbles and then when it came time to win the game makers made a rule that toy must have you classfaction match to win and Cato and clove and Katniss and Peeta won the 74th games .

Katniss says me not supposed to be wittle currently me has to be a big girl and Cato says what about marvels little over there who is from district four Stacie odair she is finnick and Annie's little and Katniss say fiwe me be Wittle for you mama ...

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Ok hay author Stacie snow here if you have any recommendations or suggestions or request? For chapters i am open to do it and make sure to put what is the regression age you want

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Ok hay author Stacie snow here if you have any recommendations or suggestions or request? For chapters i am open to do it and make sure to put what is the regression age you want

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