Special needs katniss and teacher peeta

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Carine Everdeen stood in her kitchen making some kind of medicine to give to a wounded patient of hers and she says prim can you go tell Katniss that her tv time is up on watching her cartoons and prim walks into katniss's room and turns off the television and she kneels down to katniss and says come on sis mom needs to dress you because your new teacher is coming and Carine Everdeen walks in and she gets a nice dress on her and prim says mom when's dad coming home and carine Everdeen says he should be done After 6 when Peeta leaves and prim can I have a new diaper please for katnip and prim hands it to her

Then Katniss say mama who come in and carine Everdeen says your new teacher babygirl your pa hired him he just graduated from the capital university but is the bakers son and then Katniss says mama is I going to be wike pwrim and carine Everdeen says babygirl you our special star ok so let's go into the living room and wait for mr mellark a few minutes later they hear a knock on the door and carine Everdeen says why hello there and Peeta says I am Peeta mellark and carine Everdeen says come in and he sees Katniss sitting on a couch holding an apple and he walks over to her

Peeta says hay sweetheart I'm mr mellark and he says is the apple for me and she hands it to him and he says thank you and carine says you may use the study to teach her and just to warn you she does wear diapers so if she needs a change I can come in and do it and Peeta says no I can do it I am trained in it and feeding and teaching and calming techniques and then Peeta grabs Katniss hand and they go into the study and he sits at a desk with her and he says ok let's start on working on your alphabet ok after a few try's he feels he is going backwards a step but then he says katnip what's your favorite thing

Katniss says woods hunt music and he think of an alternative way to put the alphabet for her and he says ok read start singing after me and after that first session with her he says ok tomorrow we're gonna start learning our shapes and colors and he guides Katniss back into the living room and then he sees clint Everdeen walk in and he says thank you Peeta for teaching Katniss and he says it's no problem when he got home he saw Delly his girlfriend and she says so how was lessons with the retard and Peeta says don't say that about her she is special and delly says like that thing you call our daughter who is in the capital's mental hospital who she is probably drooling and crying and Peeta says delly don't you ever talk about Stacie that way or Katniss got it

Mean while in the Everdeen home

Katniss runs to her father's arms and he picks her up and he says so how was your first day of class and she say's me learn my alphabet and prim says dad did you bring the strawberries and he says yes I did just because I am now mayor of panem I don't spoil my girls  and a few days later and session later Katniss and Peeta fell in love and he dumped delly and he now has full custody of Stacie .

Katniss runs to her father's arms and he picks her up and he says so how was your first day of class and she say's me learn my alphabet and prim says dad did you bring the strawberries and he says yes I did just because I am now mayor of panem I d...

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A picture of Peeta and Katniss how he took her to the woods on a feild trip

A picture of Peeta and Katniss how he took her to the woods on a feild trip

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Carine Everdeen

Prim and Katniss

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Prim and Katniss

Prim and Katniss

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Clint Everdeen

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