Little gale and cgs katniss and peeta

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After the games happened when Katniss and Peeta got their classification test live on the ceaser Flickerman show Gale saw Katniss and Peeta got classified as mommy and daddy doms and as soulmates but he was angry because he knew the classification testing moved from district to district each year and this year it was 12's turn and 16-30 years old are getting classified and that means they give you the shot to help ease you into your classification and he then sees president snows youngest daughter Stacie who won the games during the 72th hunger games she got classified as a little and her soulmates are Finnick and Annie and they see her get the shot to start her little space on tv and then it cuts to president snow

He says district 12 I am. Proud of your tributes that have become victors now onto the classifications I will say this there will be peacekeepers around so don't try a thing it's a law all citizens must be classified if you are not at the town square you will be punished That's all good night gale saw the screen went black and they were now showing a replay of the games and he thinks shit it if I don't get daddy or dom or natural I won't be able to go back and work the mines and he needs to work for his family to bring food for them he walks towards the fence and goes under it and into the woods to clear his mind and get some game

When he returned from hunting he was dragging a dead deer and bear and some squirrels back home when he saw the new round of peacekeepers coming in and when he went home he saw they were putting papers up on doors and he went back to the woods and gets the squirrels and as he was walking home he feels someone grab him and he sees a big peacekeeper general Sejanus path and Sejanus says your in big trouble and they dragged him to the town square and they started beating gale and katniss and Peeta and he sees Stacie snow and she says, uncle please let him go under my authority now don't make me call my father to come out here and Sejanus says let this be a lesson to all of you if you don't show up tomorrow at the classifications

And Stacie helps Gale up and they go into victors village and into Katniss's house and her mom helps Gale with the wounds and Katniss says Stacie thank you and Stacie says You welcome Darlin' and Peeta says Stacie do you have any of the healing cream like from the gamez and Stacie hands it to them and Peeta says thank you little one your a big help and Stacie says I am off and I am not the only little here she points and gale who's pants were soaked wet and Stacie says there's little supplies in my house here in the village here is the keys to It I am off to visit my mama and Dada and Haymitch says good luck in 4 and can you bring me more speciality liquors from the other districts and Stacie says yes uncle Haymitch and then Stacie walks way with Haymitch walking beside her

Katniss says peeta go into Stacies and grab some little supplies and see if there's a classfaction test in there and come back here so grab me diapers wipes and onesies and baby food and and toys and when Peeta comes back with everything they do the test on him and see he is a little and Mrs Everdeen injects the little space shot into gale and fills out the paperwork and they also find out his mommy and daddy /soulmates are Peeta and katniss katniss picked up gale and put him on her bed and Peeta sat next to her and he says what if he doesn't think its real and try to say I am a big boy and katniss says well then we will have to prove it to him that he's our baby boy and when gale woke up he saw a pacifier in his mouth and a shirt and a really soggy wet diaper

He says I no wittle me a big boy and katniss says baby boy it's true your a little we did the classification test on you and it showed your a little and gale tries to pull the diaper off of him but he can't and he says I a big boy not a baby and he throws a tantrum and peeta walks in drinking a cup of coffee and he hands Katniss one and he says is am guessing he is not taking the news well and katniss says your correct and Peeta sets down his cup of coffee and he picks up gale and sits on the bed next to katniss rocking gale and when gale calmed down. He saw Peeta drinking a cup of coffee and he tried to grab it and peeta says no baby boy coffee is not for little ones and Katniss says her I will give him his Moring feed and you make breakfast she kisses Peeta and he walked down the stairs and katniss takes off her shirt and bra and lets gale latch on and drink and she says see baby boy things have changed around here now me and Peeta are your mommy and daddy but we are also your dom's so you have to lessen to us than a few days later in the woods in the meadow gale toddlers around in a onesie and diaper drooling chasing after a butterfly and peeta and katniss were watching gale with love and care in there eyes

 He saw Peeta drinking a cup of coffee and he tried to grab it and peeta says no baby boy coffee is not for little ones and Katniss says her I will give him his Moring feed and you make breakfast she kisses Peeta and he walked down the stairs and ...

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