Little katniss and cgs finnick and annie

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When Finnick went to watch the 74th hunger games as a mentors he saw the girl tribute from district 12 trying to choke her other tribute and finnick run over and helped haymitch hold katniss back and finnick says haymitch go I got her she is no pr...

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When Finnick went to watch the 74th hunger games as a mentors he saw the girl tribute from district 12 trying to choke her other tribute and finnick run over and helped haymitch hold katniss back and finnick says haymitch go I got her she is no problem for me as haymitch and peeta walk away Finnick grabs katniss's hand and takes her to his floor and he says what's got you all mad and she pouts and says he made fun of my classfaction because I a wittle me can't help that he said I a useless baby and finnick says Katniss babygirl look at me your not useless

Your my special babygirl now on I am not you're caregiver and daddy and your my little and then Katniss cuddles into him sucking on her fingers and finnick says babygirl no he pulls her fingers out of her mouth and he puts a pacifier in Katniss's mouth and she starts sucking on it and she toddlers trying to grab at things and finnick says no sweetheart lets not touch things and Annie puts katniss on a changing table and puts a diaper on her and puts a dress on her and Finnick hands Annie the pacifier clip and Annie clips it to Katniss dress

A few days later in the training room finnick and Katniss were training and Katniss got all stubborn and she started hiding her face and Finnick says what's wrong babygirl and Katniss kneels holding her teddy bear and she starts wetting straight through her training uniform and making a puddle on the floor and Finnick sees and he says aww baby see mama told you to wear a diaper your too little for training undies awww baby don't cry daddy's here come on let's go get you changed and down for a nap

After the games Katniss lived with finnick and Annie her now mommy  and daddy .

Hay I am alive sorry I have not posted life has been crazy but I have more content coming out soon

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Hay I am alive sorry I have not posted life has been crazy but I have more content coming out soon .

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