Little katniss and cgs lucy gray and Coriolanus snow

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I do recommend giving the songs a listen to as you read

It all started in District 13 one day Katniss was in little space wondering around in the forbidden areas and she went past Beete and Plutarch sucking on her thumb and they were yelling at Katniss to stop no come back get back here now your going to get hurt then all of a sudden katniss goes into the room then the room started spinning and when Katniss woke up   She looked around She saw she was in district 12 and then she saw she was in a meadow and then she saw a girl singing a familiar song she knows and she starts singing it back and then the woman holding the guitar puts is down and the woman walks over to the girl and she says with a country accent who are you how do you know what I am singing

Then Katniss says who are you and the woman says I am Lucy Gray Baird and you are little one then Katniss says I am Katniss Everdeen and Katniss says what year is it and Lucy says It's two days after the first Hunger Games it was the first it's the 10th games and katniss says there are no such things as the 10th Hunger Games there is only the 11th games that mags won and Lucy says little one lets not makeup stories and then Katniss says it's true and Lucy says what's that pin on your costume are you from the capital and Katniss says I am not from the capital I am from district 12 but I was in district 13 for a while because the capital and president snow he bombed all of district 12 except for victors village and I am the Mockingjay I am here to end snow he must pay for what he has done and Lucy gray says Coriolanus snow he is my boyfriend and he was my mentor in the games and then Katniss yells don't trust him he is a murder

Then all of a sudden a man with a blonde shaved buzz cut hair says Lucy and she says over here coryo and then Katniss grabs an arrow out of her bag and she points her bow at him and she yells why did you have to hurt Peeta it's your fault you Dam bastard you bombed all of 12 till there was nothing left and Coriolanus says strange girl I don't know what you're talking about and he grabs something from his pocket and he puts it into katniss neck and he says shh little one its ok baby girl and ke holds the sleeping katniss and then Lucy says let's get her to the cabin and into a new change of clothes she has a potty accident so she is probably a younger little later at the cabin katniss woke up in a crib She looks around and cries and Coriolanus says its ok little swamp potato he picks her up and sees katniss needs a change then he puts a new thicker night time diaper on katniss then Lucy walks in and says how is she now is she calm katniss reaches at snows buzz cut and she starts playing with it and Lucy says I wonder where she came from it says in her suit 2111 and he says she is a little time traveller

And then Katniss fusses hungry Lucy takes Katniss in her arms and Lucy sits on the couch and Lucy breastfeeds Katniss and 70 minutes later Katniss finishes drinking and Coriolanus says well we should keep her as our little one for now till they send someone to come to get her and that her back to her time line and then after Lucy hands snow a bottle of formula to feed to Katniss and Katniss drinks and she thinks to her self this snow is not like the snow I know he is gentle and kind but as days turned into weeks and weeks into months and months into years Katniss loved her new mommy and daddy .

And then Katniss fusses hungry Lucy takes Katniss in her arms and Lucy sits on the couch and Lucy breastfeeds Katniss and 70 minutes later Katniss finishes drinking and Coriolanus says well we should keep her as our little one for now till they se...

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