little careers and cg Katniss and Peeta

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during the start of the 74th Hunger Games in the tribute centre they first got classified before the tribute parade and Cato and Clove and Marvel and Glimmer all got classified as little ones then Cato screams I am not a goddam little I am a big boy and Clove screams I am not a diaper-wearing baby and then after that, the dr Arachne and dr felix creed both siblings from the same family and dr Felix says well its what you got on your classification test and it tells the truth so you all will have to get another test to see who your doms are and cato is glaring at the Drs like he wants to kill them.

then the doctors grab their fingers take blood from them and put the blood on a special paper then they wait for words to appear and they all get the same name all across they read it says Katniss and Peeta on them and Dr Felix says now you will all get your little space shot it will start your little space and then after that dr Arachne walks in with four huge syringes of stuff and Cato tried to run and he is grabbed by peacekeepers and dr felix pulls Cato's pants down and injects the shot into his ass and then he injects one into clove and then one into marvel and then one into glimmer.

after that dr Arachne lets Katniss and Peeta into the room Clove sucks on her finger and Cato pulls hard on glimmers braid and Marvel tries grabbing at things then Peeta picks up Cato and he says Baby boy you don't pull on your sister's hair and katniss holds the screaming glimmer and she tries to calm down glimmer and then katniss puts a pacifier in glimmers mouth and glimmer calms down in an instant and then katniss says let's take them to out district floor and get them changed and fed and changed and Peeta says sure let's get cato a spanking too because he is a bad boy and Cato whines and kicks and he says me no bad boy me a good boy.

once in the tribute centre they take the elevator up to the penthouse and Peeta sits on the couch with a kicking and screaming cato he says stop being a brat little boy You're a little now and there's nothing you can do about it and Peeta pulls cato's pants off of him and his boxers and he starts spanking him and In the end, Cato gets 14 spanks and Peeta carries the crying Cato into the nursery where katniss is changing clove into a onesie and Peeta says how are they acting and katniss says they are acting good marvel Is clingy and glimmer and clove are in the baby sling on me asleep and when they were in the arena katniss and Peeta became protective parents then and they won and they all lived together in district 12.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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