Little lucy gray and cg billy tope and mayfair lipp

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After Lucy won the 10th hunger games she was supposed to be classified and Lucy was having a lot of babyish urges like she would wet the bed more often and she would play with toys specially baby toys like stuffys and soft baby toys and she would ...

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After Lucy won the 10th hunger games she was supposed to be classified and Lucy was having a lot of babyish urges like she would wet the bed more often and she would play with toys specially baby toys like stuffys and soft baby toys and she would drink milk to go to bed and she would suck on her thumb at random times and she would have no self control when she went into the candy shop or the Mellark bakery and when she would eat dinner she would make a mess of her meal and of her self and she would play with her food most often and the rest of the Covey have Been having to almost babysit her

And she would fall out of her bed at night and she would cry from nightmares and she she would cry for a mommy and daddy and she has been talking more childish and she has been messing up on her singing and her guitar playing and she has been falling a lot and she has been more emotional the last past few months and finally today she was going to get classified and when she stood in front of dr marten brenner Abernathy and he blood from her finger and put it on a paper and added some solution to it and it turned baby pink and the dr says congrats your a beautiful little girl now if you don't mind waiting here till we find your mommy and daddy dom and then Lucy waited there for a hour and she saw brenner bring in billy tope and Mayfair lipp and Mayfair had a smirk on her face and Lucy says are sure about them because he is my ex boyfriend and she is the cheating bitch he was with while I dated him

Mayfair says that's no way to talk to your mommy and daddy dom you bad wittle girl we're in charge of you little brat and Lucy says no you're not my mommy and daddy and billy says oh yes we are if you're not gonna obey us you will find your little butt of yours all red and raw and Lucy says no I hate you both and she goes to run but billy grabs her and holds her in his arms and Lucy kicks and screams and dr marten Abernathy injects her with the shot to start Lucy's little space and he hands a diaper bag of stuff to Mayfair and they left and once in they mayor's house in Mayfair's room

Billy puts Lucy over his lap and he takes Mayfairs silver hair brush and he spanks Lucy gray with it 20 times and by the end of it Lucy was crying and screaming and her dress had a huge wet spot on it and Mayfair says god dam it you dumb baby you pissed your self while getting a spanking and billy says Mayfair let's tone it down and Mayfair says fine but put a diaper on her and Lucy sucks on her thumb and Mayfair puts a pacifier in Lucy's mouth and Lucy says tanks mama she yawns and billy says someone needs her nap and Lucy screams no nap no wana sleep and Mayfair Stays oh yes you will take a nap because your being a fussy sleepy cranky baby Lucy lays in her crib and falls asleep.

Hay my lovey readers I am sorry I have been not updating this story lately I have been busy with school and my job I will try to do another chapter next Friday because I leave for my job then it's a 3 hour ride to where it is so I will have time I will be offline for a week so sorry about that

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