Little katniss and little peeta and cgs effie and haymitch

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When Katniss volunteered for the games on stage she meet Peeta she know he was in the same class as her in school the it was for all ages of littles and after lunch the doms class took the littles onto the playground and watches them and Peeta sat in the sand box playing and he see a girl with brown braided hair run by and she yells with a lisp mage I need a change and then Madge yells Gale can you watch over the other littles while is change her and Gale says ok but after you come back I need to take Peeta to go potty

Then after Madge comes back Gale says peeta buddy let's go potty so you don't have an accident and then Katniss sees a boy run towards Gale and Peeta he is wearing overalls and a blue and white striped top and red sneakers and then after Katniss sees the Peeta and he runs over to her and he says your petty and he has his thumb in his mouth lisping it and Katniss pushes him away and Gale and Madge walk over and Gale says Katniss we don't push and Katniss yells he a boy he yucky he called me prewwy
Then they hear the whistle from the coal mine go off

After that Gale and Madge guide Katniss and Peeta and the rest of the littles to the town center and Gale saw Katniss was getting nervous and he holds Katniss hand and they take her blood and then they take it and Katniss goes into her age crowd and then Effie walks onto stage and guiding her onto is haymitch and he kisses her and then he stands beside her and Effie says welcome welcome welcome happy hunger games to you all and may the odds be ever in your favor now that you all have seen the film let's start the reaping for the girls and when you come on stage you must say your age name and classification and they hear the name Katniss Everdeen and Effie say where are you and Katniss hugs Madge Undersee and Madge say's hay it's ok I'm proud of you go up there make us proud and she puts the mocking jay pin on Katniss dress 

Katniss gets taken to Effie by peacekeepers and Effie says what your name and Katniss says I'm Katniss Everdeen I am 16 and I am a little and Effie say's well your a lovely little one now for the boys she calls out Peeta mellark and then one he goes on stage Effie says and you are young man and Peeta says I am Peeta mellark I am 16 and I am a little and then Effie say's our district 12 tributes and on the train Effie says so what are your little space ages so we know how to take care of you and what supplies do you need while in little space and Katniss says my little space age is 7 months old to 2 years old and Peeta says my little space age is 1 years old to 4 years older and katniss says I need diapers and Peeta needs pull up and reminders to go potty and Effie says you know the rules haymitch if both tributes are littles one of the mentors have to go everywhere with them and haymitch says yes dear

Once at dinner Effie helps Peeta into a booster seat and haymitch puts Katniss in a high chair and he puts a bib on Katniss and Peeta and then once they started eating Effie says Peeta baby boy please eat with your fork not your hands and haymitch says there littles they can't help it and then Effie say's fine and then haymitch starts feeding katniss and she goes to throw her peas off her plate and haymitch says babygirl we don't throw food off our plate sweetheart and then Effie says well haymitch you know you have to go in the games with them it's snows law when both tributes are littles a mentor has to go in with them and then Peeta yells I gotta go potty and Effie says switch and haymitch says ok but try to feed katnip her veggies and haymitch takes Peeta out of the booster seat

When Peeta and haymitch go to the bathroom Effie hold up a spoonful of the mashed peas and Effie says come on sweetie can you open up for mama come on here comes the capital train and Katniss opens her mouth and eat it and makes a face and she spits it into effies dress and face and just as she did it haymitch and Peeta laugh at Effie's misfortune because of Katniss spitting her mashed peas on her dress and face and Effie says katnip now mama has to put a new dress and a new face of make up on and haymitch laughs and says nice aim sweetheart to Katniss

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