Little katniss and cg mocking jay peeta

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In the morning at school today Katniss was nervous she thought if she got little she knows she would feel helpless because she knows her mother is sick and once in the classroom they hear the teacher Mr Orion ash and mrs Venus and then they make two lines one for the boys and one for girls and when it was katniss's turn she was nervous and then she saw a nurse named Peggy and a dr named Jennifer

Once after the visit she sat in they gym waiting for her results and then she sees Peeta walk over to her and he kneels beside her and he says hay katnip I am your dada now I am going to take you little one to get you your medicine so we can get you into little space and once Peeta got his and Katniss's classification papers and Peeta gets his shot and one the dr gets the syringe out and Katniss trys fighting them and Peeta says hay babygirl look at me it's ok I know you don't want it and the dr says ok I got it but she had a potty accident and the dr hands Peeta a backpack of little supplies and Peeta takes Katniss to the bathroom and he says ok sweetie let's get you into a pull up

After he dressed her into a new dress and a pull up on Katniss and then he takes her to the bakery and he grabs a cookie and he cuts it up into small pieces and then his mother walks in and she says well what did you get boy and why is the mutt Everdeen here and Peeta hands a sippy cup of milk to Katniss who was sitting in his lap and Peeta says she is my little one and his mom says well then if the Everdeen mutt is your little I guess your in charge here over her then after a while Katniss whines and says dada me board and Peeta hands Katniss a coloring book and crayons

Then a few days later on the forth of July on reaping day Peeta gets Katniss out of her toddler bed and he says come on baby girl lets get you changed into a new pull up and then after he got her dressed and fed he takes her to the town center and he gets her finger pricked for blood and then he goes to the boys side by the boys and Katniss goes to her side and then they hear Effie says now let's get our girl tribute and the name is Katniss Everdeen and our boy tribute is Peeta mellark well come up you too and they walk up holding hands and haymitch says I think there daddy and little and Peeta grabs Katniss hand and they go to the train

Once on the train Katniss runs towards the couch and she goes to jump on it and Peeta says no babygirl let's not jump on it and Effie and haymitch say well since she is a little there's a eye you have to stay with her all through the games and then once they won the games and then Peeta felt weird vibes from snow and in there new house in victors village Peeta says katnip let's go see uncle haymitch and uncle cinna and auntie Effie and then during the quarterquell games after it ended he woke up and says haymitch where my babygirl Katniss where is she

Haymitch says the capital took her and mean while in district 13 he says president coin I need to have you get my babygirl and president coin and Plutarch say you have to wait until you agree to be the mocking jay then we will go and try to get her and Finnick says you ass hole get my Stacie and Annie back and get his Katniss back And Peeta says you want you mockingjay then here I am

Two weeks later

Haymitch says Peeta Katniss is her and he runs towards her and he sees she is skinny and brusied and broken and he sees three large restraints on Katniss from her chest to her ankles and Katniss yell and thrashed and Katniss yells your murders and your monsters all of you god dam mutts and then Peeta says what did snow do to my baby and Plutarch say she is fighting tracker jacker venom the capital put it and fake memories into her and then 4 weeks later Katniss starts recovering and Peeta says babygirl you ok let's go to training babygirl can you put buttercup down and he reads the bracelet on her that says mentally disoriented and little Peeta holds Katniss in his arms and then a few weeks later Peeta killed President coin and he holds Katniss in his arms

He says come on a baby girl let's go swimming in the lake .

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