Little Sejanus and cgs lucy gray and Coriolanus snow

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On the day of the reaping Sejanus woke up in his room and he climbed out of his bed and he looked at it in hate because he was classified as a little when his ma found out about it she had his bedroom and the mansion little proofed so his bed now had rails on them so he could not fall out of his bed and there was a baby gates at some places in and he now has a basket of toys in the corner of his room near his desk and as usual his ma went overboard because she even brought pull-ups and diapers and pacifiers and bottles and littles formula and bibs he walks over to his dresser and pulled out his suit from the closet and went into the bathroom and started to shave he thought back to his days in district 2 he remembers old Mrs Darcy who found him one day when he slipped into little space and she took him back home to his ma and pa

When Sejanus finished shaving he did his hair and brushed his teeth he then heard a knock on the bathroom door he say's who is it and he heard the sound of his ma's voice she say's you ok in there sweetie I came to wake you up for reaping day baby boy and Sejanus say's in a minute ma I am finishing getting ready he waits to head his mother leave and he walks out and grabs something from inside of a hidden of his bedside table and he pulls out a bottle of pills and he takes two pills and he drinks a glass of water to get the pills down and he puts the bottle of pills back in his the drawer and he closes it he waits for the little space headspace blockers to kick in and he also takes two advils for his pounding headache he then walks towards the dining room and sits at the table he grabs a glass of Orange juice and he grabs eggs and bacon and his mother puts a bib on him and he say's ma I don't need it I am a big boy and then his mother Say's well baby boy I don't want you to spill on your clothes she pours his orange juice into a sippy cup

Then after that, he eats his breakfast and puts on his Capital Academy bag and he goes to into the car and his mother says sweetheart you have to sit in your car set it's the law baby and he says I don't want to and Mr plith says you will sit in your car seat or else I will spank you in front of all your classmates now think what's your choice and Sejanus sits in it and Mr plith say's son were only trying to help you all we do is give you love and support and what have you done you gave us so much trouble for us trying to help you so now we have no choice to talk to dean highbottom to pair you up with a caregiver and you have no choice in this matter once they get to the academy they head to heavensbee hall and Mr plith says dean highbottom can I ask you a question who is your top caregiver in your class and dean highbottom say's I know just the person for your little Sejanus that would be Coriolanus snow now if you excuse me I have to go and then Sejanus walks over to Coriolanus snow and he say's you can't tell me what to do I am a big boy and Coriolanus says baby boy don't be a bad boy I will give you the rules after the reaping

Once after the reaping the next day in class after Coriolanus got taken back
To class, after meeting with his tribute Sejanus was mouthing off about the games in front of Dr Gaul and Dr Gaul says Coriolanus control your little she then points at Sejanus and after that at lunch, Coriolanus says you baby boy are going to stand in the corner for 14 minutes till I say so for mouthing off and after 14 minutes later they eat lunch and Coriolanus say's let's go visit our tributes and when they went to the The capital zoo they walked up to the monkey cage where the tributes were Coriolanus say's Lucy grey and Sejanus grabbed something from his bag and he yells Marcus here I got some food for you Marcus please and he handed them sandwich to reaper and a drink and Lucy say's Sejanus come over here where it's safe he walks over to them and after a few days The reaping at home in the mansion Sejanus started waking up and screaming in his sleep he started falling into depreciation and he went on a trip to district 12 and when he got there and he ran into Coriolanus's arms and Sejanus say's daddy I missed you and Lucy say's hay baby boy lets get you dinner and a bath and to bed and from then on they were a little family that lived in the capital.

Once after the reaping the next day in class after Coriolanus got taken backTo class, after meeting with his tribute Sejanus was mouthing off about the games in front of Dr Gaul and Dr Gaul says Coriolanus control your little she then points at Se...

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