Little mayfair lipp and cg lucy gray and billy tope

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When Mayfair went to school on classfaction day she thought to herself that her dad the mayor of twelve would be disappointed to have a little for an older child since her younger sister Stacie is a little and now lives in the capital with her mom...

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When Mayfair went to school on classfaction day she thought to herself that her dad the mayor of twelve would be disappointed to have a little for an older child since her younger sister Stacie is a little and now lives in the capital with her mommy and daddy dom Coriolanus Snow and Livia Cardew the new head game maker and his wife she hoped that would get a good mommy and daddy and then once at school Mayfair sat at the back of the classroom hoping she would be chosen last to get classified and then once the teacher says ok we will begin soon with classifications and we will start with Mayfair

She thought to herself oh no
And she walked towards another classroom and sat in a chair and she saw Dr Carlisle coin and Dr marten Brenner Abernathy and Dr Threadson trinket and then they all gather around her and take some blood and do swab her throat and they inject her with a shot and dr Carlisle coin says her classfaction is little and her soulmates are Lucy gray Baird and billy tope now let's get her ready for the the little space shot and then Lucy gray and billy tope walk In and Mayfair starts freaking out and she says no I don't want the shot i should not be the little it should be Lucy as the little I am not weak and billy tope says drs give her the shots then 20 minutes later she got all her shots and she felt weird and very submissive and babyish and the drs hand Lucy a diaper bag of things and billy picked her up and carry's her to her house they go into her room and Lucy says ok baby I am going to make dinner and your daddy is going to finish his homework for dom's class and Mayfair walks over to the corners of her room where her fluffy rug is and she sits on it and she starts coloring and she holds her stuffy bunny mr cuddles and one hour into coloring

Mayfair feels she has to go potty and she knows her daddy and mommy are busy and she sits on her kneels and holds her bunny to her face and she starts wetting herself a lot and billy hears it and he say's Lucy babygirl needs a diaper she had a huge accident on her expensive fluffy rug and Mayfair sees him looking at her and she says dada me had accident and billy says I know baby I see you did have a potty accident I'm sorry baby I should've know that you would have had an accident after the shots and then Lucy walks in and picks up Mayfair and puts her on the changing pad and takes the Dress off of Mayfair and puts a onesie and a extra thick nighttime diaper and Mayfair hides her face in mr cuddles and Mayfair pouts and Lucy says baby none of that please I am your mommy and billy is your daddy and you're out little baby eater you like it or not

A few months later Mayfair moved into victors village into Lucy's house with her mommy and daddy and Mayfair runs towards her toys in the yard she toddles to them and she sees her little sister once every month at the games since Stacie's daddy is now the president.

A few months later Mayfair moved into victors village into Lucy's house with her mommy and daddy and Mayfair runs towards her toys in the yard she toddles to them and she sees her little sister once every month at the games since Stacie's daddy is...

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