Short lived happiness (1)

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Kelly's pov

I feel a nudge in my side followed by the sound of a painful groan, I open my eyes slowly and I see Stella bent over her side of the bed swaying her hips side to side as I sit up quickly "honey? You okay?" I ask as she just shakes her head and exhales deeply.

I look at the alarm clock and see it was 3:35am, She lifts her head to look at me, her eyes closed as she keeps breathing heavily through her nose and out her mouth. She opens her eyes and looks at me "I think it's finally time" she whispers as she now rocks back and forth.

"Wait...for real?" I shout pushing the covers of me as I stand up, grabbing my trousers and pulling them on. "This isn't them fake contractions again? You thought you was in labour 3 times last week and we got to the hospital just for it to be braxton hicks and sent home each time" I ask her as she groans again and looks me dead in the eye.

"KELLY!" She shouts as she grips the bed sheets "okay...okay...erm, where's your bag?" I ask looking around for it as she points to the wardrobe and I open it seeing it on the top shelf as I grab it.

I take out a tshirt and throw it on as I turn around to Stella "are you absolutely sure this time? Have your waters gone?" I ask as she shakes her head "not yet, but I can feel him Kelly, trust me, he's co...AHHHH" she screams before she finishes her sentence, her legs buckling a little as she sits on her knees.

I put the bag over my shoulder and then move around to go pick her up as she grabs my arms, I slowly pick her up as I hear a droplets hitting the wooden floor beneath us as we both look down. "Floodgates have opened" Stella says with a slight chuckle as she looks at me "okay...this is happening" I say as I start panting as Stella keeps chuckling as she runs her hand through my hair "it's meant to be me doing that" she says as we both slowly head out the bedroom.

"He's coming, he's really coming?" I ask her as she stops for a second and holds her side as she winces "yeah, don't I know it" she says with a slight groan as I wait for her to stand back up straight before we continue walking.

We make it to the car after stopping a couple of times, I help her into the passenger seat before I run around to the drivers side "you better put your foot down Kelly, he's not waiting" she says rubbing her side as I quickly start the car and head towards the hospital.

I place my hand on her bump as I look at her "this might be the last time I touch your bump with him inside" I say with a slight smile as I feel her stomach become a little harder as she shifts in her seat and groans "another contraction" I ask her as she nods "getting stronger now, not even been 2 minutes since the last one" she says through her breaths as I just smile.

"He certainly isn't waiting is he, he's as eager to meet us as we are him" I say rubbing her stomach  as she tries to chuckle but groans again.

I put my foot down a little more ignoring all the speed limits as I make it to the hospital in record time.

Once I park up I grab the bag from the back before going round to help Stella "you ready to meet our baby" I ask her as we walk upto the entrance "if you're asking me if am I ready to push a watermelon sized human out of me then I'd say no, I'm absolutely terrified, I just want him in my arms now, without having to push him out" she says with a slight chuckles

"You're going to absolutely smash it, get through it like the trooper you are, and I'm going to be by your side through it all" I tell her as we head to the desk.

We get checked in and taken straight to the maternity ward where Stella is placed in a hospital gown and examined, then taken straight to the delivery suite with the promise of our son being born before the morning sun is born.

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