💙: 02

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[Third person pov]

"Felix, psst! Are you asleep?"

Hyunjin only got a low murmur from the pink haired, signalling that he was long gone and that only made him even more anxious. He wanted to talk to the younger as a form of distraction cause his mind was still trapped in the past.

Four days ago to be precise. He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that the nice girl they met was his Chaerin. Same name, and hell, she even have that familiar face. No matter how Hyunjin pushed it, she kept denying the fact that she knew him.

She claimed that he probably got her mixed up with someone else and after awhile of comments being past front and back, Felix forced them to dropped the issue and had the female help with their current crisis.

Which after some time, they did work together and got gifts that were deemed fitted for Taeyang.

Hyunjin groaned under his breath, before kicking the duvet off him. He slowly creaked the door open, hoping the sound wouldn't wake Felix up, the younger was going to prod him and he was in no mood to answer to that.

Once he was safely placed on the balcony, he casted his gaze downwards, watching the serene and empty land below him.

He wanted to meet her again but didn't no how. They didn't exchange contacts, neither did they disclose their address. Because that would be down right stupid to give something that personal to a random person you just met at the mall.

The brunette thought back to their conversations, thinking if there would be anything helpful. Wait- what if he was over thinking into it? What if she only have the name and face purely coincidentally? And he's only making a fool out of himself?

Hyunjin grumbled under his breath. And then a line from her ramble came to mind. Chaerin had suggested a coffee maker and had stated that she loves coffee and always got one every morning at the cafe Taeyang works at.

What if he accidentally bumps into her again?

I mean- its not bad to try?

_____________• ° ★ ° •____________

And this book's fun game is going to be riddles.

What gets wetter the more it dries?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments


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