💙: 06

169 15 3

[Third person pov]

"I like this, its really calming."

Hyunjin was indeed very disappointed, he just stared at the sapphire blanket with a blank look on his face. The night started off nice, the sky had thick puffy clouds drifting below it, a few stars tinkling here and there, its was a bit chilly but he didn't mind. He mustered all his courage and ask Chaerin to join him on an evening walk. He felt very awkward doing that.

"Hmm-" Hyunjin accidentally showed how disinterested he was. He pursed his lips, wishing the pinkette did catch on. "-very calming."

"I like staring at the sky," Chaerin had a small smile, reminiscing a thousand memory of how comforting it was to her. The city life was hectic and the salon she works at was always bustling and needed her to be on her toes. But now, after a long tiring day, lying on the soft glass away from the noisy part of town, watching nothing but the sky, it was something she treasured. "Thank you for bringing me here, friend!" she rolled over, now gazing at Hyunjin.

It wasn't what Hyunjin wanted but hearing Chaerin sound so happy actually made him happy too, it made him feel like he did something right. "I'm glad you like it, friend!" Hyunjin returned the smile. So what if all the cloud had disappeared? So what if she still didn't remember him? There are other moment to do that.

"Can we do it again? Please?" The smaller pleaded, looking away from the moonless sky. It was a bit dull but managed to brighten up her mood.

"I mean sure? I don't really mind spending time with you!"

Hyunjin's word made her smile grow even brighter. "You're really an angel, Hyunnie!"

But right now, seeing her smile so genuinely, trapped in the moment with eyes glistening like stars, it was all that matter.

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Last chapter's answer; A bank

How many month has 28 days in them?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments


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