💙: 07

170 16 5

[Third person pov]

"How is it possible for she to get cuter?"

It was Felix's turn to cook and Hyunjin- who was perched on the couch- was keeping him company with his little rant about Ari. He would randomly visit the café she works at just to catch a glimpse of her and hopefully have a nice conversation with the chirpy ebonite.

Felix tittered from the kitchen, a sizzling sound following suit. "Ask her out already! You're a whimp!"

Hyunjin shot up from the gray sofa, tossing a cushion at the unsuspecting pinkette. "Didn't it take you a year to ask Tae? Huh?" he scoffed, falling back down, a blush now coating his cheeks and ears.

"At least I'm not as shy as you!"

"You're so fucking mean," The taller huffed, letting out a low groan. His mood was immediately boosted to it's peak as a thought about Chaerin whished through his mind. "Chae said she likes skating!" he pushed himself off the couch, skipping over to Felix. "Isn't that great?" Hyunjin had the brightest beamed as he leaned on the kitchen island, his arms crossed.

"Cool. Are you gonna take her out on a skating date? I hear the court has a limited offer on Saturday. We could go together. You know? Me, Tae, you and Chaerin," the pink haired effused, totally ecstatic about his idea.

Hyunjin rubbed his chin, humming thoughtfully. "Sweet! She's bound to remember me now!"

Felix shook his head. Its been a while Hyunjin seemed so invested in anything other than painting, and would react ever so giddily whenever he talked about it. "Tae would be so happy!"

"You're a lovestruck idiot!"

____________• ° ★ ° •_____________

Last chapter's answer; All the months

What starts with the letter t ends with t and has t inside?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> Will be taking your votes and comments


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