💙: 12

109 11 1

[Third person pov]

“Take off your shirt, Hwang!”

The brown haired took his face away from the tub, staring at Chaerin wide-eyed. He had not expected her to request that and the fact that she had used his first name made him even more staggered.

“I should what?” Hyunjin mused, a brow irked up.

“Take your shirt off,” Chaerin turned on the hand shower, grinning. “Unless you want it to get wet?”

“Oh yeah, just... Um close your eyes, don't look,” The brunette's cheeks got coat with crimson, dusting brightly.

Chaerin groaned, slowly placing down the running shower. She turned to the tiled bathroom wall, her eyes shut tight. “Is there a point? When I'm practically going to be washing your hair soon after? And don't you think I've seen shirtless guys before?”

“Yeah, its just different, cause...” Hyunjin trailed off, tossing his shirt somewhere away from where it might potentially get wet. “...cause we're friends you know?”

Chaerin inhaled sharply. “Yeah. Friends!” she snapped her finger, speaking up. “Just bend over okay?”

The older did as told, wincing his eyes shut. He let out a loud scream when hot water splashed on his neck. “AHHHH, Chaerin that's my neck.”

“I can't see, you told me not to look!”

“Just peek, Goddammit!”

“Oh fuck...” Chaerin slowly opened her eyes, gazing at the shirtless guy's red neck. She quickly pointed the shower directly at his head, lowering the temperature a bit.

“Is it red?” Hyunjin shivered when her fingers brushed through his wet hair, the mild scent of his shampoo filling the air.

“What? No. Its uh.. normal, yeah,” the pinkette bit her lip. “How are things going with Ari?” she decided to change the topic, anxiously waiting for his response, her eyes trained on his bare back, taking in every contour of his robust body.

“Uh fine,” Hyunjin smiled, even though he was aware she wasn't able to see it. “Really fine, like really really fine,” which was a lie, he hasn't been spending that much time with the ravenette and was only saying that to get a reaction out of Chaerin.

He wanted to know what might actually make her sad, it felt wrong but he just had to.

__________• ° ★ ° •__________

Last chapter's answer: DARKNESS

What has many keys but not a single lock

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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