💙: 04

194 22 6

[Third person pov]

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Hyunjin gazed at the tall apartment complex and then reverted his attention back to the shorter standing opposite him. "I live here," He retorted, part bemused, part amused. Its seemed funny that she'd ask that. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," came Chaerin's reply, sending Hyunjin into a dilemma; how to react to this news bewildered him. Should he happy that after days of searching he had discovered where to see her or should he be embarrassed that she was quite closer than he thought.

"What? I've been following you, like for days!" Hyunjin breathed exasperatedly, burying his fingers in his freshly dyed hair.

"Oh?" Chaerin mused, an agape expression on her face. "Technically, you've been stalking me?"

"Oh my God. No- its more of a-"

The pinkette irked a brow at his hesitance. "Are you some sort of hot serial killer? Do you wanna slowly torture me until I die of starvation, thirst and abuse?"

"Dude-" that was as far as Hyunjin could pressed out. He never thought of that. How did she?

"I'm joking. Its a result of watching too many serial killers' documentary because you're new to the city and lonely as fuck and still not willing to make friends but likes talking to that nice Taeyang girl at star lost café. Am I sharing too much?" she looked at her counterpart, grinning awkwardly. "Too much. Sorry I ramble a lot. Probably why I rarely have friends- wait, I'm talking too much again-"

Hyunjin gave a faint smile that was enough to push his eyes in crescents. Chaerin did ramble a lot, giving him less chance to talk. "Its fine. I can be your friend. If you'd like!"

"Yes. Oh my God, yes!" Chaerin got all giddy, tackling the unsuspecting Hyunjin in a hug. Her arms tightly encircling his torso. "Yay! Yay! Yay! I've made a friend," the pink haired effused, jumping and making it hard for Hyunjin to maintenance balance.

"Chae, we're gonna fall."

___________• ° ★ ° •____________

Last chapter's answer; A hole

What has to be broken before you can use it?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will taking your votes and comments


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