💙: 10

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[Third person pov]

Excuses! That's all Chaerin seemed to be doing lately.

Randomly asking her friend for help with little things that really need that much attention. She would ask for him to reach higher places, help lift up things that she could. And that was why the black haired was doing, atop a chair, trying to hang her new flower decoration, an ecstatic Chaerin watching as he wobbled.

"Just a little more to the left and. . ." She instructed, conceding a tired groan from the taller. "I'm sorry!"

"You don't gave to be, Chae," Hyunjin scoffed, hopping off the chair, he casted his deed one last look, deeming it worthy. "You don't have to apologize every second," He smiled faintly.

"Right, I'm sorry."

"You're doing it again."

"Oh sorry," Chaerin grinned nervously. "Last time I promise."

"That's what you said last time," Hyunjin averted his gaze to her nightstand, unintentionally staring at a framed photo of a young girl and almost instantaneously, his mood drop. It was a reaction from his mind shutting down. That was in fact Chaerin. The exact Chaerin who would pull him out if his house just to watch the sun sink, the one who moved away without informing him.

The ravenette picked only that photo, turning to the girl behind him. "This you, right?" he smiled softly.

"Yes. Goddammit! Don't look at it, I was literally so ugly!" she quickly snatched it away from the taller, an embarrassed blush threatening to paint her face.

"No, you don't. Little you is so adorable," knowing he wouldn't get that particular photo back, Hyunjin turned to the other, now gazing at another. One with Chaerin standing close to a family, they all locked western and he couldn't he'll but muse. "Who are these?"

"Huh? They're my family," she leaned closer, glancing at the particular frame he had pointed.

Hyunjin tittered shortly. "No, they're not!" it couldn't possibly be, he knew her family too well and besides, they were all Korean.

Chaerin became hesitant to speak. "Yeah, they're my foster family."

____________+ • ° ★ ° • +____________

Last chapter's answer; a pack of playing cards

What's gets smaller every time it takes a bath?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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