💙: 13

104 9 3

[Third person pov]

Nothing was working.

Hyunjin had tried every trick in the book to get a reaction from Chaerin. They've watched a ton of sad movies but still nothing, she would react to every single scene except the forlorn ones. She would just stare at the screen blankly.

"Don't you ever get sad?" He just had to ask that, it has been on his mind for over a month now. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to know, right?

"Huh?" Chaerin looked away from the sign that said close, bemused. "I guess I don't?" she shrugged nonchalantly.

The two had planned to visit the new japanese place that opened recently, but when they got there, it was already closed, ruining yet another one of their plans to hangout.

Hyunjin was bummed out about this, but Chaerin was totally unfazed.

"And doesn't that bother you?" The brown haired continued as they walked down the pavement, the cold chill breeze whisking though their hair.

"Well, I can't miss what I never had," Chaerin scrawled at him.

"What do you mean never had?" The brunette couldn't help but ask. For all he knew Chaerin was really emotional and would put over the littlest things. Whenever he would win a race, or was first to complete a task, she would mull in the corner until he apologizes.

"I've always been like this."

"Then what actually triggers you?"

"You're asking so many questions, Hwang," Chaerin tittered, nudging the taller, causing him to stumble a bit. "Let's talk about something else!"

"Would you be sad of I won you in a race?"

"That is if you won," the pink haired tilted down, pulling her socks up. Her gaze was pinned on the distance, a mischievous simper on her lips. "Race you to the complex!"

"Wait, we're racing?" Hyunjin was bemused, watching as the shorter sprinted further away from him. The brown haired sighed. "Why are girls so complicated?"

___________• ° -❤️- ° •___________

Last chapter's answer:

What can't talk but will reply when spoken to?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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