💙: 03

212 18 4

[Third person pov]

"You're here more often than usual. "

Taeyang had the brightest beam as she handed a cup of coffee to Hyunjin. Whenever the black haired had a later shift, he would spend his early morning hours at star lost café, Craning his neck like a giraffe until he finally got annoyed and left. Its been going on for nine days and he wondered how long he could keep it going.

"Your coffee is nice and..."

Hyunjin trailed off, looking around the café. His gaze hopping from one customer to another. He looked back at the brunette, a small smile on his lips. "I'm looking for someone!"

He wasn't too sure if he should disclose to Taeyang about his real motive. But she works here, if he explains Chaerin right, the brown haired might know her.

"Ari?" Taeyang mused and her question made Hyunjin perplexed. "Are you looking for Ari?"

"Um... No," Hyunjin felt heat rush to his face, tinting his cheeks pink. He had rambled about his little crush on her to Felix and Felix being a blabbermouth had ranted to Taeyang. And since she was more mature in character, she kept shut. "It's actually a customer of yours!"

"Oh?" Taeyang was both disappointed and bemused.

"She has pink hair with fringe, almost the same shade as Felix. And she's about this tall? Doe eyes? Very pretty face?"

Taeyang listened as the taller struggled with his description. Her gaze sometimes averting from him to the line of customers behind him. "Chaerin?"

"Oh my God, yes!" Hyunjin heaved out a sigh of relieve, slamming his hand on the table.

Taeyang pointed at the door. "She left just a second ago."

_____________• ° ★ ° •____________

Last chapter's answer; towel.

What gets bigger the more you take from it?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments


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