💙: 05

185 19 4

[Third person pov]

"She still says she doesn't know me!"

Taeyang listened patiently as the llama went off with his endless ramble. Felix had long given up about this topic, cause he didn't see the young Chaerin, hence, wouldn't comply nor deny anything the older spat. While Taeyang believed that if he was so hellbent about this, then maybe he might be right.

"You guys were ten right?" the now blonde Taeyang prodded, conceding a nod from Hyunjin. "Maybe she forgot about you. Not everyone remembers their childhood."

"What?" Hyunjin tugged on his hair, wailing. "How dare she forget me? I was her only friend!" He gasped lowly, agape as he looked at the bewildered Taeyang. "Was I not good enough? I loved her, I still do."

Felix looked away from the laptop, where he was clicking nonstop about the new project his nice boss assigned to him. "Dude, it sounds like you're in love with her-"

"Ew," Hyunjin grimaced. "She's my friend, I don't love her that way."

"Cute. But all you have to do is remind her about a memory, maybe it might ring a bell? What was your favourite thing to do together?"

Hyunjin thought for a while, humming thoughtfully. Taeyang was right, a single memory might spark something huge. Now he had to think back to his earlier days. "We loved skating!"

"No, its basic," Taeyang shook her head dismissively. "Anyone can skate. What's something you two did, like a secret but sacred thing."

"My Tae is so smart," Felix beamed, attempting to kiss her cheek, but the female ducked, making him pout. "And also very annoying."

"Lee Felix I'll throw you off the balcony!"

Hyunjin watched as they bickered in English, he could understand only a few words and sentences but that wasn't important right now. "We liked watching clouds and try guessing what they look like," He snapped his fingers. "Is that good enough?"

"Its so adorable. Felix can we do that too?" Felix retorted with a nod, causing Taeyang to smack his shoulder. "Now, you have to do it again and see what happens?"

Hyunjin grinned. "Great. How do I ask her to?"

____________• ° ★ ° •____________

Last chapter's answer; An egg

I have branches but no fruits, trunk or leaves. What am I?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments


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