Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving Tunechi

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I stood in the living room watching Wayne pull out. I sighed, I hated when he left after we had been arguing. We had only been in a committed relationship for about 9 months, and I had only been living with him for about 6. Things were already starting to make me second guess my decision to quit my job and move down to be with him. I hated not working because if worse came to worse I would be left with nothing but the little money I did put in savings. I shook my head, Wayne wants me to have faith in him and believe in him but every time I turn around I hear about him hooking up with one of his old girlfriends. He swears up and down its not true but at the same time he is staying away from the house way more than normal.

Fallon was spending some time with her dad. Things with Ryan had actually calmed down, it only took me threatening to get a lawyer to come up with a custody agreement. I looked around the house not finding anything I wanted to do so I grabbed my phone and called Adrianna. Her phone went straight to voice mail. I sighed, she was either at work or in class. I went in the kitchen grabbing me a coke when I heard my phone start ringing. Wayne. "Hello." I said. I could hear the commotion in the background and knew he was skating. "I'm going to be out late, might just crash here tonight." I could feel tears start to form. "Whatever." I hung up the phone not even waiting to see if he had anything else to say. Not surprising the phone rang before I even had a chance to sit it down. I hit answer and just waited. "Fuck wrong with you, you going to hang up on me." I wiped my tears, not wanting to talk because I know he would be able to hear my cry. "Maci, you got to chill out." I let out a breath feeling something snap. "We just got into it because you been staying out all damn night and its all over the news your back with that girl. Now you want to call me and tell me you prolly wont be home tonight, and you want me to fucking chill out." I heard Wayne let out a breath and the noise started getting fainter letting me know he was walking away. "I'm only going to tell your ass one more time, that shit ain't true, Maci I moved you in my fucking house, I'm letting you stay with me. If I was going to be running around fucking all these stupid ass bitches the media says I do, do you really think i would want a girl at home." I sighed, I didn't know what to say. I could see his side, but then again I had a feeling things weren't right. I leaned my head on the kitchen counter. "Maci baby talk." I sat there quite for a minute. "Please don't stay out all night." My voice cracked at the end and I just wanted to get off the phone. I heard Wayne let out a breath. "Give me a couple hours here and we will go out tonight ok." I shook my head like he could really see me. "Alright baby, go take a shower and get dressed, I'll be gone two hours and the most." I really didn't feel like going out but at least he was trying. "Ok, I love you." I could tell Wayne was walking back toward the ramp cause I could hear all kinds of racket. "Love you to Mac, now stop trippin on a nigga, you know i got you."

Hanging up I headed up stairs. I turned on the shower and stepped in hoping the steam would take some of my sadness away. The steady beating of the water did calm me and by the time I had shampooed and conditioned my hair and stepped out I was in a little better spirits. I did my normal routine, of lotioning up and blow drying my hair. I decided to go ahead and put my makeup on before I straightened my hair. I took extra time doing everything hoping I could make the two hours fly but by the time I had finished my hair and make up I still had an hour. Ugh, maybe it would take an hour to pick something out to wear. I sighed but then again Wayne will have to come home take his own shower and get dressed. I slipped on a tshirt and some boyshorts and just sat on the bed. I missed Fallon at least she kept me entertained. I leaned back against the pillows and turned on the tv. Some old episodes of criminal minds was on so I decided to watch them.

I awoke to Wayne kissing on my stomach. I reached out for him grinning until I noticed it was dark. I shouldn't have been dark yet. I turned to look at the clock and saw it was after 10. I sighed and shoved at him. Wayne looked up at me but refused to stop teasing. I rolled my eyes at him. "Sex will not get you out of trouble today." Wayne laughed as he ran his tongue over my belly button. "It wont hurt either." I sighed, for some reason I always had a hard time staying mad at him. Wayne moved up the bed to place kisses on my lips. "I'm sorry baby, I lost track of time, you know I been trying to get that new trick down." He layed his head on my chest. I started playing with his dreads and he turned to look at me. "I hate when you sit there all silent and shit, talk." I shrug, I knew he hated silence, almost as much as he hated me telling him whatever. Wayne sighed as he rolled off me and moved to lay beside me. I noticed the new scrapes he had on his arms, at least I knew he was really at the skate park. I turned to look at him and saw he was just watching me. He gave me a pouty face and winked at me. I sat up in the bed and grinned at him. "Your right, it cant hurt." I pulled my shirt off and threw it at him. He had the biggest grin on his face and I shook my head. "Don't think you are out of trouble Mr. Carter." Wayne grabbed my hips as I moved on top of him. "Come here momma and let me put it on ya." I rolled my eyes at him and shrieked as he flipped me on my back. His lips on my neck had my toes curling. Wayne's hands seemed to be everywhere at once. I wrapped my arms around him and let him drive me crazy.

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