Chapter 3

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I had been outside close to an hour when Wayne came outside picking my feet up placing them in his lap as he sat at the foot of my lounge chair. I turned my face from him refusing to take my beats off my head. Wayne just sat there not looking at me not trying to talk. I finally gave in yanking my beats off. "What." Wayne shook his head. "I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes. "Ok that's nice, now bye." Wayne sighed glancing at me. "Baby don't act like that, Im up here trying to make things right." I pulled my feet from his lap bending my knees hugging them. "I think it's too late for that." Wayne leaned his head against my knees. "I love you Maci, but you piss me the fuck off when you don't trust me enough to have faith in what I say to be true." I look at him feeling my heart sinking. "Give me a reason to and I will Wayne." Wayne lets out a deep breath looking up at me. "Do you know why I came home when I did." I shook my head no. "Cause I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking what would I do if I came home and you were gone." I bit my lip. "Why did you leave like that?" Wayne sighed. "Cause I was pissed off, I try and make you happy, I tell this bitch to chill the fuck out and you still go left." I shook my head, he still didn't understand the difference between chill out and stop. "Wayne I refuse to share you with some other girl." Wayne stood up, I could tell he was pissed. He walked to the rail gripping it with both hands. " Maci I'm not fucking around on you, if you want to leave do it, cause I can't take this shit any more." I sat there shocked, it took a minute before I stood up walking to the sliding glass door. "You gone then." I turned around looking into his eyes. I felt the first tear fall, and I knew my anger was gone.

Wayne walked up on me pushing me up against the door. "You would leave me." I looked down as he wiped my tears away replacing them with soft kisses. I sighed as I let him pull me into his arms. "I don't know what to do." Wayne nuzzled my neck. "Let me make it up to you, I will spend the rest of the day apologizing to you." I moved my neck to the side giving him better access. "You can't always use sex as a way to get out of trouble Wayne." He opened the door backing me up in to the bedroom. "Its a start." I shook my head, hating the control he had over my body. Wayne made quick work of removing our clothes. He was more aggressive than usual and I let him take out his frustration on my body.

It was late evening by the time we made it out of bed. I walked in the bathroom to freshen up glancing at myself in the mirror. To say I looked like shit would be putting it mildly. My eyes were rimmed red and puffy from crying earlier. My hair was well a mess. I moved my head from side to side looking at the marks Wayne had left on my neck. Wayne walked in standing behind me wrapping his arms around me. "Admiring my work." I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever, what are you marking your territory." Wayne laughed. "Yeah something like that." I shook my head heading to the bedroom to throw on a teal sundress. I walked downstairs heading to the kitchen to find something to cook. Wayne went and sat on the couch rolling a blunt. "I swear that's all you do." Wayne leaned his head back looking at me. "Shut it up and cook me some food." I rolled my eyes laughing at him as I grabbed a pack of chicken. Wayne lit his blunt up glancing in the kitchen. "I hope you plan on frying that shit." I laughed. "Nope, your getting baked." Wayne gave me a pouty look. I groan. "I thought you was sposta be making it up to me." Wayne grinned knowing he had gotten his way. I poured the oil in the skillet letting it heat up. While I waited I seasoned the flour and made a egg and milk mixture to coat the chicken in.

After what seemed like forever I had the chicken fried, made homemade mashed potatoes, had made some fried cabbage. I brought Wayne his plate and grabbed him a beer out the fridge. We sat on the couch eating watching some stupid ass movie he had gotten into. "This shit blows." Wayne glanced down at me. "Eat ya damn food and hush." I laughed causing him to grin at me. "I miss this." I nod, "I do too." Wayne leaned in giving me a kiss. "You going with me to LA next week." I shrug. "You want me too." Wayne put his plate on the coffee table. "I wouldn't' have asked if I didn't want you to."I rolled my eyes. "You just want somebody in your bed at night." Wayne laughed. "I don't need you for that." I gasped as he wrapped his arms around me laughing. "You know I'm bullshitting." I elbow him, "not funny." Wayne let me go and reached for his cigarettes. I got up heading to the kitchen to clean up.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now