Chapter 10

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I had never been so glad to get off a plane in my entire life. Adrianna was good on her word and was there waiting on me. I didn't even say a word just walked up to her and she hugged me letting me cry on her shoulder. I'm sure people were looking at us like we were crazy but I didn't even care. Hell I was used to getting stared at because of Wayne. When I took a step back wiping my eyes. Adrianna sighed. "Wayne has called me like a million times, don't be surprised if he shows up down here. I lied and told him I haven't talked to you but that boy isn't' stupid." I sighed. "I can't do this anymore." Adrianna gave me a look. "Come on we have a long ride home."

As she pulled out into the busy Dallas traffic I apologized for keeping her up all night. She looked over at me. "That's what a best friend is for Maci, stop tripping. Now you spill when did you find out you were pregnant." I let out a deep breath. "Today, yesterday hell I don't know right before that bitch sent me that picture." Adrianna looked over at me. "Don't ya think if she sent it, it was set up." I could feel myself getting mad at her and knew I had no reason to be. "Why the fuck was he with her Adrianna. Why?" She sighed. "I know Maci, I know, I just want you to look at all angles. Girl your going to bring a baby into this world, not just any baby Weezy's  baby." I leaned back closing my eyes. "Don't remind me." Adrianna laughed. "Well I told ya'lls asses to wrap it up." I looked over at her giving her a small smile for her attempt at a joke. "Yeah we do sometimes." She grinned back at me. "So honest to God, are you done." I let out a deep breath. "My head says yes, my heart says no. That's why I had to go if I would have stayed I would have fallen for whatever he said. He knows I'm weak when it comes to him." Adrianna frowned. "I know Maci, believe me I do."

When we made it to her apartment I walked straight in her guest room and collapsed in the bed. I reached for my phone and turned it on. I never thought the chiming would stop. When It finally did I looked over at Adrianna who was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Let me guess all from Wayne." I nodded reading the text, I knew I wasn't ready to listen to his voice mail yet. I was sobbing by the time I finished reading them." Adrianna came and sat by me. "Maci, chill ok, its not good for the baby." I wiped at my tears. "I miss him already." Adrianna sighed. "Look I honest to God believe that boy loves you, but i think this is just what he needs. He needs to know you won't put up with his shit." I nodded. "What did he say to you." Adrianna pulled her legs up underneath her. "He asked if I had talked to you, and I was like, umm no why. He was like stop with the shit where is she. You know me I was like, excuse me I'm not her fucking momma. Anyways I could tell he was upset so I was like what did you do now, trying to be funny. He just said she don't listen to what the fuck I say. SO I'm like umm hmm. SO he starts like telling me how he isnt' fucking around on you and that he loves you, and that you left and you tell him your pregnant by throwing the test at him." I look up at her grinning. "Well I think I told him then threw the test." Adrianna gave me a look. I shrugged. "Maybe I threw the test then told him hell I don't remember."

Adrianna and I ended up laying down and passing out. I awoke to her cooking and the smell had me running to the bathroom. Adrianna came and stood in the doorway as I sat on her bathroom floor looking up at her. "You look like shit." I flip her off. "Tell me I still have clothes here." She shook her head. "Yeah that old dresser still has some shit. Please talk to Wayne before I have to block his ass." I groan going to the dresser saying a prayer I had clothes stashed here. I took a shower and got out getting dressed. I sat on the edge of the bed just starting at my phone. I finally turn it on and roll my eyes at the stupid notifications going back off. "Damn Wayne." I find his name and hit send and hold the phone to my ear closing my eyes. I expected to him to answer the phone cussing and acting stupid so I was surprised when he answered it calm and collected.

"You finally decided to talk to me." I frowned at the sadness in his voice, I could deal with him if he would give me the I don't fucking care attitude but not the hurt. "Did you get your car." Wayne sighed. "No, cause your coming back home." I shook my head wiping at the tears falling. "Wayne, I thought she was over, I thought we were good. I'm not going to be with you when I can't fucking trust you." Wayne let out a breath. "Maci it wasn't like that, why do you always think the worst of me. I love you baby, I just want you home. We should be fucking happy right now. You didn't even tell me you thought you could be pregnant." I was crying so much I couldn't' even talk. It took a minute before I could even speak. "I'm sorry Wayne, but I can't do this now. I do love you, but I cant' do this." I hug up knowing he wouldn't' let me off that easy if it was up to him.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now