chapter 13

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That night Wayne and I ended up staying up late talking. I was kinda down he would be gone for my birthday. He promised to either fly in or to fly us out so we could spend the day together, but his schedule was so tight I didn't see how it would ever work. By the time we headed upstairs I was exhausted. It seemed as though I had just laid down when I heard Wayne's alarm start going off. He had moved some things in his schedule around so that by the time Fallon and Adrianna made it down he would be off for the day.

Wayne jumped up going to take a shower and I pulled the covers over my head trying to block the light from the bathroom. "Ugh you could have shut the door ass!" I was half asleep when I heard Wayne digging in his dresser. "You are so damn loud." Wayne glanced at me as he pulled a shirt over his head. "Girl hush you can go right back to bed after I leave." I frowned at him. "Fine." Wayne sat on the edge of the bed slipping on his shoes. After he tied them he leaned over slapping my thigh. "Come here and tell me bye." I rolled my eyes at him pulling the cover back over my head. I let out a shriek as he yanked the covers off the bed. "Wayne I'm cold stop." He gave me that look of his, "Come here and let me warm you up." I sat up poking my lip out. "Give me my cover back." Wayne leaned in and I met his lips for a kiss. I leaned back and Wayne pulled the covers back over me. "Love you baby, I'll be back before you have to leave." I nodded, "Stay with me." Wayne chuckled standing up, "you shouldn't have fell asleep on me last night." I grinned at him. "I can't help it, it's exhausting creating your baby." Wayne grinned leaning down kissing my forehead. "Maybe its twins." I shook my head. "Uh no, you can go on somewhere with that. Love you baby, now go so you can hurry back."

I woke up around 10 and headed to the shower. By the time I had showered, blow dried and straightened my hair it was close to 11. I put my makeup on in record time and threw on some jeans with a black tank top. As I slipped on my sparkly silver Tom's I suddenly felt nauseous. I groaned reaching over grabbing a peppermint. I was so ready for this morning sickness to go away but I knew I was probably just hungry so I drug myself downstairs. After I started the coffee maker I dug through the fridge and pulled out everything I needed to make a omelet. I was in the middle of eating when I heard Wayne entering the garage. He walked through the door on his phone. I looked at him taking a sip of my coffee. "Reginae wants to come down while Tonya goes out of town, I'll be gone, you good." I grinned. "Yeah, she can come keep me and Fallon company." Wayne nodded heading upstairs. I stood up grabbing my plate throwing my leftover food in the trash. By the time I had finished washing the dishes Wayne came back downstairs. "You want me to go with you?" I shrugged "You don't have too, I think I can manage." Wayne eyed me. "I'll go." I rolled my eyes walking up to him, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into him. "If you wanna go, come on, but I'm telling you I will be ok." Wayne leaned down kissing me. "I'll drive."

We arrived at the airport early so we chilled in the car for a bit. Wayne was hyper and was singing to me in the car. I rolled my eyes laughing at him. "I swear you better be glad I don't take everything you say to heart cause I would so leave your ass." Wayne grinned at me as he kept his flow going. I glanced at my phone. "K babe it's time." Wayne opened the car door and pulled his hood over his head. "You know that don't work right." He glanced at me holding his hand out. "So you've told me a thousand times." I grinned at him as we entered the airport. The flight was running a little late, but the moment Adrianna walked through the doors and saw me she let Fallon go. She ran straight to Wayne jumping in his arms. I gave them both a look. "Umm I see." Adrianna walked up and I hugged her. "My own child ignores me for him." Adrianna laughs but Wayne gives us both a look. "Ya'll hating. Fallon tell momma to stop hating." Fallon gave me a serious look. Mommy no hating." I rolled my eyes at Wayne but he seemed to think it was hilarious. Wayne nodded his head at Adrianna. "Ya'lls flight go ok." Adrianna shook her head as we went to get their bags. "Yeah, Fallon talked about you the whole time. I was like ok, if I hear the name Wayne again I'm going to scream." Wayne looked down at Fallon who had her head against his chest. "You miss me lil momma." Fallon shook her head yeah. "Your momma did too." Adrianna and I were walking in front of Wayne so I glanced back at him. "Heard that." Wayne grinned. "You was meant too."

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now