Chapter 4

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Spending the weekend out of the city was just what Wayne and I needed. We sat in the gazebo holding hands talking until the sunset. I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I like this, feels like we are alone for the first time in forever." Wayne leaned down kissing my forehead. "Yeah don't get too used to it cause we just here for the weekend." I frowned knowing that we still had to face the drama when we returned. "Can we do this like once a year." Wayne laughed, "I was thinking more like once a month." I grinned up at him. "That's why I love you." Wayne rolled his eyes as he stood up pulling me up with him. He wrapped his arms around me. "That the only reason you love me." I looked him up and down. "You got some other things working in your favor." Wayne leaned back laughing. "Girl you wild." I shrugged as we started walking to the cabin. "So I guess I have to cook huh." Wayne shook his head. "No momma I'm going to cook for you tonight." I smile up at him, "I'll help." Wayne leaned down kissing me.

By the time we had eaten and cleaned up it was close to 12. We decided to go back and sit on the swing while Wayne smoked. "So who knows were out her." Wayne sat beside me on the swing shrugging. "Cortez and Momma." I smile up at him. "Such a momma's boy." Wayne grinned at me as he took a hit of his blunt. "So." I laughed. "Your are so spoiled." Wayne starts swinging us with his foot. "Your not." I look up at him innocently. "umm no." Wayne turn his head to blow smoke out. "Let's see, you live in my crib, you drive my cars, you get to sleep in all day if ya want, you get this dick every night." I shove him. "Not every night." Wayne glances down laughing at me. "You miss Texas." I give him a crazy look. "Hell no, I miss the girls I worked with, but I still text them some, I haven't talked to Janet since I deactivated my facebook." Wayne shook his head. When we moved in together he had insisted I deactivate my facebook, twitter, and instagram. I never asked why just did it, I knew he was big on privacy in his relationships and I didn't really blame him, besides I had been getting all kinds of weird friend request on all of them so it had started getting weird. I started yawning causing Wayne to cock his eyebrow at me. "You slept half the morning away, then when we got here we spent forever in bed, and you still sleepy." I shrugged snuggling into him, "You wore me out earlier." Wayne rolled his eyes as he squeezed my shoulders with his arm. "I'll be remembering that tonight." I laughed up at him. "You do that."

We sat outside for what seemed like forever just talking and laughing at each other. When Wayne pulled me up to go in the house I stretched up on my tiptoes throwing my arms around his neck. "Your going to have to carry me to bed." I squealed out as Wayne leaned down hooking my legs behind my knees picking me up. I start laughing, "I was just kiddign put me back on the ground." Wayne gave me a kiss on the nose. "I got this." I leaned into his chest as he walked us in the house shutting the door with his foot softly placing me in the bed causing it to start swaying. I kicked off the flip flops I had on, I was still wearing nothing but a tshirt and panties, never bothering to dress from earlier. Wayne kicked off his shoes and took off his wife beater and pants. He got under the covers and turned his back to me. I scooted close to him and started to kiss his back running my fingers over his tattoos. Wayne playfully swatted at me. "Uh huh, I'm tired." I laughed pulling his arm till he was laying on his back. Wayne moved his arm under me pulling me up on his chest. I leaned down nipping at his nipple. Wayne bit his lip "What happened to you being wore out." I giggled, "that was at least an hour ago, I've had time to recuperate." Wayne ran his hands under my shirt exploring, I pulled it over my head causing him to smirk. "Sometimes I wonder if you love me or this dick." I shove him, "your just a bonus." I grin up at him as I lean down to kiss the star on his throat . Wayne laughs at me as he runs his hand through my hair. "At least your honest."

I awoke the next morning to the gentle light coming in through the blinds. Wayne had his arm around me holding me close. I rolled so I was facing him and he opened one eye pulling me closer to him. I started nibbling at his neck and he started grinning. "Too early." Wayne mumbled. I laughed at him. I'm going to go take a shower and then fix us breakfast, you sleep." Wayne nodded pointing at his cheek, I roll my eyes leaning down to place a kiss on his jaw. I jump in the shower then change into a pink sundress. Going in the kitchen I found all the things I needed to make a quiche. I looked at the clock that was hung in the kitchen, it was just past 9 o clock. It was way to early to be up. I put some coffee on and stood at teh sink looking outside. I went and dug my phone out of my purse deciding to call Fallon while I waited on the food to cook. Ryan answered the phone with all kinds of attitude but handed the phone over without a fight. Fallon had me crying by the time we got off the phone, she wanted me to come get her. I wish I could, might have to make a trip to Texas to visit her. I was so ready for Ryan's time with her to be over. I put up the dishes from the night before and check on the quiche. It was ready so I pulled it out of the oven and headed in to wake Wayne up.

I Jumped in the bed causing it to sway back and forth. Wayne started grinning as I snuggled up to him kissing his jaw. Wayne wrapped his arms around me. "The food done." I nodded, "just took it out of the oven." Wayne opened one eye grinning. "Good then we have time to fool around before it cools down." I laugh rolling over, "No go get your ass in the shower real quick." Wayne pulled me back to him. "You coming with me?" I shook my head, "already showered." Wayne stuck out his bottom lip, "Fine, I'll go take a shower by myself. " I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you will manage just fine, lil boy." Wayne cocked his eyebrow at me before he rolled on top of me. "You don't want to go play in the shower, I'll get what I want here." I shove at him. "No wonder you have four kids." Wayne laughed. "Shut up." I grin at him as he leans down kissing me.

By the time we made it to the kitchen I had to throw the quiche in the oven to warm up for a couple of minutes. We had ended up going from the bed to the shower. I pulled the quiche back out giving Wayne an ugly look. "You better hope this crap is still good, impatient ass." Wayne took a sip of his coffee, "I liked my first breakfast better anyways." I looked at him in complete shock at what he said and he busted out laughing. "You do listen to my shit right, why you get surprised when I say off the wall shit to you." I shrug, "You caught me off guard. Nothing that come out of your mouth surprises me." I placed our plates on the table and poured myself a cup of coffee. While we ate I told him about my call to Fallon and about how much I missed her. Wayne said we could make a quick trip to see her on our way to La, or the way back if I wanted.

After breakfast Wayne and I sat on the porch while he smoked. "So what's the plan for today." Wayne shrugged. "Whatever we want baby." I stretch my legs out in front of me. "No tv, no phone, nothing to do, I think I'm going back to bed." Wayne cocked his eyebrow at me causing me to grin at him. "Um that is not what I was talking bout damn." Wayne eyed me as he took a hit of his blunt. "Ok, we will see." I crossed my arms. "Bet." Wayne smirked at me. "Bet what, I'll bet." I laugh, "no, I always lose when we make a bet." Wayne laughed. "There's always a first time." I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever." Wayne stood up as he finished his blunt. "Come on." I stood up wrapping my arms around his waist, laying my head against his chest. "Your not as hard as you want everyone to think you are." Wayne laughs as he slides his arms around me. "I'm just not hard to you, I love you." I grin up at him giving him a kiss. "Love you too baby."

We spent the rest of the day hanging out talking to each other about anything and everything. I ended up making a grilled chicken salad for super. Wayne was getting antsy and I knew he was getting bored. I had told him we could leave early if he wanted but he said he was good. After we ate we had went outside and Wayne was practically jumping up and down. "You should have know you can't go this long with nothing to do." Wayne grinned up at me. "I have something to do, she just don't cooperate." I rolled my eyes at him as i head up to the swing. "Will you go pour me a glass of tea." Wayne looked up at me. "Hell no, we just came out the kitchen." I looked up giving him my best pouty face as I started swinging. Wayne bits his lips. "Ok, put you owe me." I laugh, "Please your in the negative" Wayne shakes his head as he turns to walk back toward the house. "Spoiled," I grin to myself looking up at the stars in the sky. I was happier than I had been in a very long time. When I saw Wayne walking back up I grinned up at him. He stopped walking giving me a look then grinned back as he walked up to me handing me my glass before he sat back down. "What you cheesin for." I laughed talking a sip of my tea. "I'm just happy." Wayne leaned in to me kissing my forehead. "Remember this, next time you mad at me." I gave him a crazy look as he placed a arm around my shoulder.

The night seemed to stretch on forever and when we woke the next morning I was instantly sad. Wayne and I took a shower together then went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee before we started packing. I sat on the bed making it swing with my foot as Wayne carried our bag to the car. He came back in leaning in the door frame. "We can have this at home too." I shake my head. "It was like this at first." Wayne walked in sitting by me grabbing my hand. "It can be like this again, I'm tired of all the fighting." I know, "I gotta believe in you, or this will never work." Wayne leaned in kissing me. "That's my girl." I sighed, "It would mean a lot if you would tell her to STOP calling you." Wayne looked down and I expected him to get up and walk away, but he nodded ok, leaning in to give me another kiss.

As we pulled away from the cabin I watched it disappear in the side mirrors of Wayne's car. When the trees blocked it completely I sighed glancing at Wayne. He was holding my hand and brought it up to place a kiss on my knuckles. "Just think we will be in LA in a couple of days and we can go see Ms Fallon's sassy little self." I smiled. "Yeah, we might have to stop on the way back, cause she is going to throw a fit when we have to leave her." Wayne tilted his head toward me. "Yeah I know it we can spend a couple days down there, that way we can take her to the park before we go." I grinned at Wayne, "Sounds like a plan." Wayne turned the radio up and we made the trip back home.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now