Chapter 8

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The next morning we decided to order out breakfast from Ihop. Wayne took Fallon with him to pick it up. While they were gone I jumped in the shower letting the warm water wake me up. I had just slipped into some shorts and a tshirt when I heard them walking back in the door. Hitting the corner I smiled as I saw the two of them. Wayne had her food set out on the coffee table and was putting her straw in her apple juice. When he noticed me watching him he winked at me. I sat on the couch grabbing my box. Wayne grabbed his sitting beside me. We turned on some cartoons for Fallon to watch. She was more interested in playing with her food than eating it, but every time I tried to get on to her Wayne would give me a look and tell me to leave her alone. I rolled my eyes at him, he let her get away with murder.

We spent the rest of the morning just relaxing with Fallon. She watched tv for a little bit but then went back to playing with her blocks. Wayne and I sat on the floor with her helping her build a castle. We had debated about going out for lunch, but decided just to order a pizza. The delivery boy was speechless as Wayne opened the door handing him a hundred and telling him to keep the change. After lunch Fallon took a nap and Wayne and I went ahead and loaded the car with our bags. Fallon woke up around 2 walking in the living room crawling in Wayne's arms. We had been watching a movie on tv. "You have a good nap?" I asked her. Fallon nodded her head leaning into Wayne. Wayne leaned down kissing her forehead. "You still sleepy?" Fallon shook her head no. "I want some juice." I got up and poured some juice in her cup and gave it to her. I called Ryan to make sure he was home. I was about to hang up when he answered the phone. "What?" I sighed. "Just making sure you was home." Ryan huffed in the phone, "Yeah." I let out a breath, "Alright, bye." I hung up shaking my head. Wayne gave me a look but I just shook my head at him. "Its nothing."

I sat down pulling her into my lap. "You have fun with momma and Wayne." Fallon shook her head. I ran my hand through her curly hair. "You ready to go back and see daddy?" Fallon looked up and shook her head no. "I wanna stay with you mommy." I sighed looking at Wayne. He gave me a nod and I knew he understood how I felt. "I know baby, but you just have to stay with daddy a little bit longer then you can come back home with Momma." Fallon started crying and I just held her letting her get her sadness out. That was the only thing I hated about living so far from Ryan, he got her for longer time periods. We had decided he could keep her during the summer and we would trade out Thanksgiving, Christmas, and her Birthday every year. Wayne moved closer to us putting his arm behind me. Fallon looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I wanna stay with you." Wayne held out his free arm and she crawled in his lap burying her head in his chest. "I know lil momma, but me and your momma will be coming after you soon." Fallon nodded her head but wouldn't' really talk to us. I got up walking to the bathroom before I started crying in front of Fallon. I wiped at the tears that had started to fall. It took several minutes for me to be able to walk back out and ask Fallon if she needed to use the restroom before we left. She nodded walking to me with the saddest look ever on her face. I grabbed her hand and looked back at Wayne as I walked her to the bathroom.

The whole ride to Ryan's Fallon sat in the back ignoring us. Wayne could tell I was upset and held my and squeezing it every now and again. As we pulled up to Ryan's I sighed as I opened the door to step out. I unbuckled Fallon first. Pulling her out I hugged her tight giving her kisses. "You know mommy loves you." Fallon nodded. "I love you mommy." I grinned at her. "Next time mommy comes down you can go home with me and Wayne." Fallon looked up at me. "I don't want you to go." Wayne got out taking Fallon from me and telling her by before he gave her back and helped me get her bags and car seat together. Ryan walked out and took the car seat from Wayne. You could feel the tension in the air between the two of them . I walked in the house behind Ryan carrying Fallon saying a silent prayer that Wayne went and got back in the car. "I didn't mean to grab you like that yesterday." I shrugged placing Fallon on the ground. She walked up to Ryan hugging his legs. "I don't want to talk about it." Ryan leaned down picking Fallon up. "You sad your mommy is leaving?" Fallon shook her head yeah. Ryan looked up at me. "Your momma would rather be off hoeing for some nigga than trying to make her family work." I shook my head clenching my fist, I couldn't believe he would say that to her. "Ryan I'm not sinking to your level, Fallon mommy loves you, I'm going to miss you." I walked toward them and Fallon reached out for me. I took her hugging her and giving her one last kiss. "You be good for your daddy ok." Fallon shook her head ok as I handed her back to Ryan."Love you too mommy, I love Wayne too." I looked up and saw the anger ignite in Ryan's eyes. I just turned around and walked out before he said anything else stupid. I opened he car door getting in, Wayne glanced at me. I shook my head and he put the car in gear and backed out the driveway.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now