chapter 18

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I stood in front on my mirror trying to judge my wardrobe choice. I had changed clothes at least 6 times. Reginae was sitting on the foot of my bed kicking her feet back and forth. "You can't even tell your pregnant." I sighed. I was wearing a pair of capri jeans with a peach colored top. I shook my head as I pulled on my black strappy wedges. "I can't go looking a hot mess." Reginae rolled her eyes. "You look fine, hell you need to hurry up so we can go." I shot her a look. "Ok Dwayne Carter." We made eye contact and she busted out laughing. "Well you stalling, come on Mrs. Rosa has Fallon, and I'm ready to go see this little baby." I frowned. "I wish I could find out what I'm having today." Reginae nodded in agreement. "Yeah me too, sucks." I looked in the mirror one last time satisfied with what I was wearing. Reginae stood up stretching. "Are you nervous." I glanced at her. "Yeah, until I hear that heartbeat I will be." Reginae walked up to me giving me a hug. "You will be fine, chill." I laughed at her, "Ok lets do this."

As we pulled into the parking garage I started feeling nervous again. "Ugh I wish Wayne was here." Reginae rolled her eyes at me, "Why so he could embarrass you cause he would be in here talking mess." I laughed, she was right. "I know, but still I know you'll be like whatever, but I miss your daddy." Reginae shook her head. "Your a mess." I looked at her and shrugged. "Yeah so I've been told." We take the elevator up to the fourth floor and I sign in. Immediately after the receptionist took my name people started scrambling. Sitting down Reginae gave me a look as I started filling out a mountain of paperwork. "See what being a Carter gets you, action." I roll my eyes at her. "I'm not a Carter." Reginae rolled her eyes back at me. "Your caring one, and you will be." I shrugged, "You might have to hold my hand when they do my lab work." Reginae shook her head, "Um I'll squeeze your hand and we can both close our eyes." I laughed at her and shook my head . "Deal."

"Maci Chambers." I sighed standing up and motioning Reginae to walk with me. A nurse took my clipboard of paperwork and walked me to the back and weighed me before taking me for lab. Reginae thought it was hilarious I had to go pee in a cup, I rolled my eyes at her as I walked out and sat down to get ready for them to take my blood for lab. As promised Reginae stayed by my side and cracked jokes while they were taking what seemed to be gallons of blood. When they finished they took us to the back to wait on the doctor. "That wasn't so bad huh." I shot Reginae a look. "You wasn't the one being poked on ." She grinned at me laughing. "Somebody is being a drama Queen." I rolled my eyes. "Hush, or you can cook your own lunch." Reginae busted out laughing. "Noooo, I want some Chinese." The door opened and we both looked up . A short Chinese looking lady came in and introduced herself as Dr Chan. I immediately loved her, she was easy going and funny. She asked me tons of questions and assured me she would be handling my pregnancy personally and not to worry. Worry about what, I could only guess about word getting out. After all the questions Dr Chan had me lay back. Reginae got up and stood at my feet as Dr Chan measured my belly. "According to your dates you should be about 11 weeks and 2 days, your measuring 12, we will better pinpoint your due date when we do the sonogram." I nodded as she squeezed some cold jelly on my belly to find the heartbeat. She rubbed the doppler around Reginae gasped as the sound of galloping horses filled the room. I felt tears form in my eyes as Reginae came and stood beside me holding up her phone recording the sound. "Very strong heartbeat Maci, 150-160 bpm."

After making sure I didn't have any questions Dr. Chan walked with me down the hall for my sonogram. Walking in the back Dr Chan warned me that it was too early to determine the sex of the baby. I nodded and Reginae made a face. "We talked about that this morning." Dr Chan laughed. "Don't worry in two months if baby cooperates you will be able to tell." Walking in the room I sat on the table and Reginae was glued to my side holding my hand. I leaned back and closed my eyes as she put more of the cold jelly on my belly and started rubbing it around. "Omg Maci look, there's a baby."I opened my eyes and saw Reginae recording the sonogram with her phone. "I'm going to take a couple of measurements so we can better calculate your due date." I nodded as she started. "You sure there's not twins in there." Reginae blurted out. I glanced at her giving her a crazy look. "Dr Chan laughed. "No twins, not that we can see or hear anyway." I groaned. "Don't jinx me." Reginae busted out laughing. "Dad would die." I watched as Dr. Chan measured different parts of the baby. After she entered all of my information in she grinned down at me. "Ok I have printed some pics out for you and Mr. Carter." She handed me a towel to wipe the jelly off my belly. As I sat up she looked over at me. "Ok so by the baby's measurements your due date is February 9th." I nodded I had already done some calculating by my last cycle so I had already figured that. She handed me the pictures and asked if I had any questions. After thanking her Reginae and I headed to the elevator.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now