Chapter 23

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When I woke up stretching out not feeling Wayne I immediately jerked up looking at the floor. His bags were gone. I sat the for a moment just starring at the empty space where he had thrown his bags last night. I tried to remember ever single word he said to me last night, but all I could remember was his hand and mouth driving my body crazy. He couldn't be gone. I yanked the covers off my body hitting the ground running straight to my dresser throwing on some boy-short panties and a tank top. I felt like I was going to puke. I turned my head just enough to see the bathroom light was off so I practically sprinted to Wayne's office. I hit the corner about slamming into the door, it was shut and for some reason I was having a hard time opening it. When I finally threw the door open I saw his chair was empty so I turned running back down the hall heading to Fallon's room.

She was still in her bed asleep but had came out from under her covers. I sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her covers back over her. Leaning down I kissed her forehead. How would I ever explain to her that Wayne was gone.  "He wouldn't' leave us would he baby." I shook my head putting my head in my hands. He wouldn't' make love to me and then leave me would he. I sat up, why wouldn't he, hadn't I just done the same things months ago. I put my hand on my stomach closing my eyes. Please God don't leave me alone with another baby. I stood up frowning, downstairs, I hadn't been downstairs yet.

I took the stairs at breakneck speed, when I was half way down I felt my feet slip and went sliding down on my ass the rest of the way. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. When I stopped I was kinda freaked out grabbing my belly making sure everything was OK. "Maci, Fuck wrong with you." I glanced up seeing Wayne leaning back so he could see through the arch from the kitchen. The look on his face was priceless, I was so happy to see him I jumped straight up not even stopping when the sharp pain from moving so fast hit me. Wayne had started walking toward the stairs when I practically launched myself on him throwing my arms around him placing kisses on his bare shoulders. He pushed me back some pulling my face up so he could see my face. He frowned wiping the tears that were streaming down my checks. "Maci really what is wrong with you." I laid my head against Wayne's chest. I was completely out of breath from all the running and crying I had been doing. "I.....I.....your bags....your bags was gone.....I...I thought you ...I though you had left me." Wayne wrapped his arms around me shaking his head. "Maci no, I put my bags back in the closet." I let out a deep breath, mentally kicking myself. Why did I not look in the closet. "I love you so much." Wayne cut me off leaning down to kiss me. "Love you, but look lets go get some coffee then we can talk OK." I shook my head wishing we could just forget last night ever happened.

Wayne already had a cup of coffee poured so I made mine and we walked in the living room sitting on the couch beside him. I felt like I was a kid again about to get bitched at by my parents. My stomach had that queasy feeling and I seriously thought about trying to distract Wayne again, but I knew it was now or later. Wayne sat his cup down and let out a deep breath. "We need to talk, and I'm going to give it to you 100." I nodded looking down, this so did not sound good. Wayne sat back reaching out for my hand. I sat my own cup beside his and leaned back. "OK, so first off I want you to know I really do love you Maci, I might say things in a minute that hurts your feelings but just listen OK." I nod feeling a knot form in my stomach. "You called me yesterday going off out of nowhere, at first I didn't' even know what the fuck you was going on about. Then I was like hell it could only be one person starting shit with you. I left the studio pissed at her but the closer I got to home I started getting pissed at you. After everything we have been through and everything I have done to prove myself to you, you still don't fucking trust me do you?" I sighed and felt the first tear fall unable to look up and face Wayne's eyes. He squeezed my hand and kept talking."

"Then I make it here and you just give me the fucking cold shoulder trying to just push your way past me like I didn't' just rush home to you. I didn't mean to grab you so hard you'd drop the plates but when you did you fucking flipped on me. Right then I saw how much hurt you carry with you. I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on you that this life wasn't for you, but I kept after you anyways. I'm out here doing right for once in my life and its like I'm getting my past shoved in my face at every turn. Baby I love you, and I thought if I loved you enough you would be fine with me by your side. You'd finally realize I love you and want to be with your ass, but the harder I fucking try the harder you try and push me away." I felt tears start running down my face. I leaned my head into my shoulders trying to wipe them to no avail. Wayne stopped talking and wiped my eyes with his thumbs. "I love you Wayne,I wish I could take last night back." Wayne licked his lips. "Look, I was ready to leave you for your own good." I started to speak but Wayne shook his head. "Maci when I told you last night I didn't want you anymore it fucking killed me. The look can came over your face I knew I had just lost you. I can't do this anymore Maci. I've asked you to be my wife, your carrying my little girl. What the fuck else do you want, fucking tell me cause I'm tired of not living up to your expectations. I've shown you more emotion than I have ever let out and still its not enough for you. I love you, and I want to be your man but there is only so much I can take." I nodded frowning, I was my own biggest enemy.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now