Chapter 9

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It had been a month since our trip to La. Wayne had been busy in the studio working on a track with Mack Maine, so I wasn't surprised when I woke up and he was gone. I felt like crap. I pulled myslef up out of bed reaching for my phone. Ugh it was already 12, I had missed several text from Wayne. I stood up to text him but went running to the bathroom. Ugh I hated being freaking sick. I made a note to not eat sushi anymore every time I ate that crap I ended up sick. I jumped in the shower and got dressed before I text Wayne back. I roll my eyes as my phone chimed. "You just now getting up." I sit back in the bed. "Yeah, mind your own business." I fixed the pillows seating back. "Lazy ass." I laughed to myself. "No that stupid sushi has me sick." I started flipping through the channels stopping on some show on HBO that sounded interesting. "That's what you get for talking crap last night, I was goign to ask if you wanted lunch but I guess not." I text him back telling him I was good and he told me he would be home in a couple of hours.

I was in and out of sleep until Wayne made it home. He came in the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed. "You ok baby." I shook my head, "yeah, I feel better now I just don't feel like doing anything I am super tired." Wayne leaned in giving me a kiss, "come downstairs with me." I shook my head ok and headed downstairs with him. Wayne had picked up some hot wings and started eating on them as he flipped through the channels. He held the box out to me and I made a face pushing them away. "NO, I don't even want to hear the word food right now." Wayne shrugged. "Your lose." I rolled my eyes laying my head down on the arm of the couch. Wayne glanced at me for a minute before he started watching tv again. After he had ate enough to get full Wayne got up walking in the kitchen. "You want a soda." I look up at him. "Bring me some water with some flavor in it." He came back putting my water on the coffee table. "Come here." I sit up and lean on him, "What you want." Wayne looks down at me. "Do I have to want something to want to hold you." I sigh. "Ok, what have you done." Wayne gives me a look and I grin up at him.

That night Wayne got a call that had him running back to the studio. I groaned he was starting to get back into the habit of being gone all damn night not coming home till the sun was rising. As he leaned down to kiss me I turned my head so he ended up hitting my check. "You mad?" I shrug. "Its whatever, you stayed out last night but its business right." Wayne gave me a look, "bye Maci." I pulled him back down giving him a proper kiss goodbye." That better." Wayne smirked at me. "You knew better huh." I rolled my eyes at him. "Bye, don't wake me up when you get home." Wayne glanced back at me over his shoulder. "O don't worry I will." I make a face at him and he shot me a wink walking out.

I groan getting up trying to find something to do. I was tired of playing on the computer, tired of reading, tired of tv. I was so grateful Fallon would be home in the next two weeks. I gave up and called Adrianna about jumping up and down when she answered. "I swear I'm thinking of firing you as my best friend." Adrianna made a sound like I had deeply offended her. "Excuse me Ms. I made a stop in Texas but couldnt even tell my bestie I was in the same zip code as her." I laughed. "That was Fallon's time, maybe when we come down to get her we can meet up." Adrianna sighed. "I guess, if I have time." I make a pshh sound with my mouth. "Fine Bitch, I see how you are." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Hell I'm down here overworked and need a vacation, I might need to come up there." I shrugged, "whatever, you know your always welcome here." We talked for over an hour before I started yawing and told her I was about to go to bed. "Ugh you are so freaking boring Maci, go hit a club up or something, your child is with her daddy, your man is in the studio, go have fun." I rolled my eyes. "I am going to club bed, dj pillow is there featuring my blanket." Adrianna busted out laughing. "Where the fuck you get that from Fallon." I laughed back at her as we said our goodbyes hanging up.

I text Wayne letting him know I was going to bed. I waited a minute and when he didnt text back I shrugged going upstairs and changing into some pjs. The minute my head hit the pillow I swear I fell asleep. I was awoken to the sound of Wayne yelling at somebody downstairs. I groan, getting up and walking down the stairs. He was in the kitchen going completely off on somebody. "Can you cut that shit down." Wayne glanced up at me and I immediately shut up. I had never seen him so pissed off. Wayne hit the end button on his phone and slammed it down. I eyed the phone on the counter surprised he didn't' crack the screen. "I didn't mean to wake you up." Wayne said in a pissed off attitude. I just nodded ok and turned around. I heard him sigh, "Maci come here damn." I slowly turn around eyeing him. "What was that about." Wayne shook his head. "Nothing, nothing that you should worry about anyways." I give him a look but wasn't about to push the subject with him. Wayne had a temper and I tried to stay on the opposite side of it as much as possible. I walked up to him letting him pull me into his arms. "You feeling better." I shrugged. "Yeah I don't feel sick anymore, just tired as hell." Wayne leaned in kissing my jaw line. "Guess I been keeping you up to late at night. I smirk at him. "You wish." Wayne pushed me back some. "Some other Nigga keeping you occupied while I'm out." I glanced up at him like he was crazy but saw the smirk on his face. "Please like I would bring a dude here." Wayne busted out laughing. "Ok, I got ya."

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now