Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning exhausted, Wayne was still knocked out beside me. I stretched out enough to grab his phone and check the time, it was already almost 12. I groaned turning into Wayne and burring my face into his neck. Feeling me move Wayne wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I fell back asleep not waking until my phone started ringing. I groaned as I went to get up to answer it but Wayne's arms tightened around me pulling me back down to him. I looked down at him, he had one eye half open looking at me before he closed it. "What if its Mrs. Rosa." Wayne shook his head. "She would have called my phone first if it was an emergency." I rolled my eyes. "Well what if it's Adrianna." Wayne grinned, "she can wait." I finally gave in relaxing back into his arms. My stomach made some God awful noise causing Wayne to open his eyes. He placed his hand on my belly. "Somebodies hungry." I put his hand over mine. "Yep and we have so missed breakfast." Wayne sat up reaching in the ashtray for his blunt.

I rolled my eyes standing up going to the bathroom. I grabbed my robe off the floor slipping into it. Walking out I grabbed my phone crawling back in the bed beside Wayne. He threw his arm around me taking a hit of his blunt. I had missed a call from Brooklynne. I text her telling her when I got back to Miami I would call her. Wayne looked down at me. "What you want to eat?" I rubbed my stomach. "Anything." Wayne gave me a look. "OK, well actually I do kinda want some chicken stips with that orange ginger glaze, and some french fries, and a vanilla dr pepper." Wayne rolled his eyes grinning. "Anything else?" I elbowed him. "You fucking asked."

Wayne called his assistant as I was getting in the shower to get our food. I kinda felt sorry for her having to go around the world just for what I wanted to eat. I had just rinsed the shampoo from my hair when Wayne opened the sliding glass stepping in. I glanced at him. "You have a serious problem of interrupting peoples showers." Wayne smirked at me, "not people's, yours." I laughed as he pulled me into his embrace. I looked up so I could met him for a kiss. I took a step back butting my conditioner in and lathering it up in my hair. Wayne grabbed the hand towel and soaped it up. I eyed him as he started lathering my body up. "You can start shit if you want too, but when my food gets here your on pause." Wayne laughed at me as I stepped back in the water spray to rinse the conditioner out.

As soon as I exited the shower I heard the knock at the door. I whined. "Wayne...." He stepped out the shower behind me throwing a towel around his waist. "Really you going to the door in that." Wayne glanced behind his shoulder at me. "Don't worry you the only one who be getting all this." I rolled my eyes as I walked int eh bedroom. I slid into some jeans and my off the shoulder black and white zigzag shirt. Wayne walked in changing into some jeans, and a white t shirt. After we ate. I called Adrianna but she didn't answer her phone, knowing her she was still asleep. Wayne had went in the bedroom to roll a blunt and smoke so I sat on the bed beside him laying my head on his shoulders.

"What you got planned for today." Wayne shrugged. "We going out to eat with Drake and some new girl of his tonight." I groaned. "Another one, really." Wayne laughed at me, "be nice, that was you once upon a time." I rolled my eyes. "I can only imagine the train wrecks you brought in before me." Wayne laughed at me. "What you trying to say." I grinned up at him. "Just saying." Wayne reached out goosing me causing me to try and run away from him before he dragged me back to him.

That night I had dressed in a black and white print long dress and some silver gladiator sandals. Wayne put on some black and yellow truckfit pants with a black and yellow truckfit shirt. I sat on the bed watching him slide into his Jordans. "I will never understand how somebody thought you needed your own clothing line." Wayne glanced up at me laughing. "Girl, how many times you going to hate on my swag, I pulled you didn't I ." I rolled my eyes. "Your long hair and tattoos pulled me, your clothing style so did not." Wayne stood up pulling me with him. "You ready momma." I nodded wrapping my arms around his neck. "You are pretty damn sexy though." Wayne leaned down kissing my neck. "I know." I shoved him laughing as we walked out the door.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now