Chapter 21

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I reached out for Wayne the next morning feeling nothing but bed. I groaned opening my eyes, I hated when he left with out saying bye. Stretching out for my phone I saw he had sent me a text telling me he would be back tonight and that he loved me. I drug myself up out of the bed heading for the bathroom. After taking a bath I ran a brush through my hair and changed into some black tights, a black undershirt, and a neon green shirt see through that had black cheetah spots on it. I smelled the coffee before I was even halfway down the stairs. Adrianna was sitting at the bar with a cup in her hand. As I walked up and poured a cup I glanced at her making a face. "Yeah, I'm up at its not even noon." I laughed sitting down beside her. "You ok." Adrianna shook his head. "Yeah, Chris has been sending me text all morning apologizing and telling me he was so fucked up he don't even remember getting into it last night until Wayne started back up on him this morning." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously he don't remember all that shit." Adrianna shrugged apparently not it fucking pisses me off." I sighed. "I guess. I don't even know what to tell you. I mean I freaking love Chris like a brother, but you are my best friend, we are closer than sisters and I'll be damned if he ever hurts you or lays a finger on you." Adrianna glanced up at me taking a sip of her coffee. "Run with me to the store, I need to grab some cigarettes." I looked at her nodding. If she was wanting to smoke she was stressed to the max.

Wayne and Chris spent most of the week in the studio, he would drag in late and be gone before I awoke every morning. The time we did spend together was mostly spent arguing about the time we didn't spend together. Chris had tried talking to Adrianna but she was just giving him the cold shoulder. He hadn't been back to the house since Monday. I was beyond excited to be going to get Fallon. I was originally going to go pick her up in Dallas but Ryan said he would fly down with her. I was beyond shocked especially when Wayne paid for the tickets for both of them to fly down and for Ryan to return home. I kept watching the clock waiting on it to be time to go. Wayne was still in bed asleep and I still hadn't decided if I was going to wake him up. I was in the living room with my feet propped up on the coffee table playing a game on my phone when I heard Wayne and turned around. "You wasn't going to wake me up." Wayne was dressed in some creased jeans with a white wife beater and his supras. He looked so good I almost forgot I was mad at him. I shrugged at him putting my attention back on my game. He sank down beside me throwing his arm around me. Wayne shot me a look. "You need to get off that trip mode lil momma." I glanced over at him rolling my eyes. "I'm not the one tripping." Wayne sighed. "Maci damn I put in a fucking hard ass week to get this shit done to spend time with your ass." I bit my lip, I knew he had worked his ass off this week. Wayne shook his head getting up walking in the kitchen. I sighed, I was tired of fighting with him over stupid shit. I didn't know if it was the baby causing crazy hormones or the simple fact I expected him to come home and baby me after he was gone for so long but I had been giving him a hard time.

Standing up I walked toward the kitchen. He was sitting at the bar drinking a bottle of water. He glanced up at me. "You ready?" I shook my head no walking up to him laying my head against his shoulders. Wayne leaned down kissing my forehead. "It will never get any easier will it?" Wayne sighed standing up pulling me into his arms. "It is what you make it." I frowned and felt a tear escape. Stupid ass hormones, I quickly wiped my eyes, "I don't know if I can do this shit." Wayne tilted my face up, "your not alone Maci. I will always be here for you. I know this last couple of months have been rough on you and believe me I thought about it every night I was away from you. I still have to do my shit and you know that." I shrugged leaning my head against his chest. "I know." I cried. "I just feel like I'm alone no matter how many people I have around me." I had never admitted to him how I felt about him being gone, just always told him I missed him. Even with Adrianna down I felt alone and she was my best friend. Wayne rubbed my back. "It will get better baby, I promise, now lets go get lil momma." I nodded wiping my eyes.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now