chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Wayne stopped by the studio on the way back home. Fallon and I got out with him because I already knew when he got started talking he could be in there forever. Walking in Fallon ran up to Baby. He laughed leaning down to pick her up. "Miss Fallon, where you been hiding?" Fallon grinned up at him. "I been in Texas." Baby looked up at me, "So I heard." I made a face at him as Fallon jumped down running up to Nicki who had just came out of one of the back rooms. "Look at my girl, you look so pretty lil momma." I went and sat beside Nicki as Wayne walked into the back with Baby. Nicki waited until the door shut and looked up at me. "I'm glad your back Maci, I've never seen Wayne so upset." I looked down. "I didn't know what to do Nicki?" She glanced over at me. "He loves you, he told me about the baby." I glanced up at her. "He was going off on everybody one day so I pulled his ass to the side and was like what the fuck Wayne you need to chill the fuck out. He just let everything out, told me bout Dhea, you leaving, the baby." I sighed, "Yeah it was kinda fucked up the way it happened." Nicki shrugged. "Wayne needs to be put in his place every once in a while. Don't get me wrong I love him like a brother, but he gets on my God Damned nerves 91% of the time. I have no idea how you live with his ass." I laughed at her. "It's not easy loving Tunechi."

We ended up staying over an hour. Wayne grabbed Fallon out of Nicki's arms, she had passed out. We said our goodbyes and walked to the car. Wayne buckled Fallon up and slid behind the drivers seat. "I didn't think we would be here that long." I glanced at Wayne. "I knew better, you get to talking and smoking and time gets away from you." Wayne leaned close to me and I met him for a quick kiss. "I'm sorry baby." I nodded, "your good, I wasn't mad. Me and Nicki got caught up." Wayne glanced over at me as we pulled out into the busy traffic. "Yeah I guess you know she knows." I nodded. "It's cool, she told me you was being an ass when I was gone." Wayne grinned to himself. "I don't know what your talking about. I never act an ass." I made a face. "Please you're always acting an ass when you don't get your way." Wayne laughed. "Shut up."

Wayne took Fallon upstairs to bed while I went and grabbed us a drink before heading upstairs. Wayne was walking out Fallon's room right as I hit the top step. I handed him his drink and walked out on the balcony. I was leaning over the balcony looking at the water when Wayne walked out sitting in one of the lounge chairs. I turned around as he lit his blunt. "I'm going to go crazy without you." Wayne took a hit of his blunt shrugging. "I know baby, the timing is fucked up." I walked up toward him sitting in his lap. Wayne turned his head blowing out smoke. "You better behave while your gone." Wayne glanced at me arching his eyebrow. "I always behave." I roll my eyes at him making a face. "Whatever." Wayne laughed has he took another hit of his blunt. "I'm going to miss my baby." I smiled leaning down to kiss him. He put his finger up to stop me. "No not you," he rubbed my stomach, "this baby." I shoved him going to get up but he wrapped his arms around me pulling me back down. "Aww did I hurt somebodies feelings." I looked away from him grinning. "No, you can be an ass. I don't care." Wayne leaned back hitting his blunt. "I'm going to miss Fallon too." I glanced at Wayne and he winked at me. "Ass, you can sleep by yourself tonight."

Wayne reached over putting his blunt out in the ashtray. "Come here." I shook my head. "I'm in your lap how much closer do you want me." Wayne arched his brow. "O I can get you much closer." I made a face at him. "You are too much." I leaned down meeting him for a kiss wrapping my arms around him. I let out a shriek as he stood up picking me up with him. "I think its time for bed." I shook my head no. "I'm not sleepy, thank you put me down." Wayne smirked down at me closign the sliding door behind him. "I don't have sleep anywhere in my mind."

Wayne gently laid me down on the bed. "What happened to you dropping me in the bed, you usually manhandling me." Wayne pulled his shirt off crawling over me holding himself up with his arms. "Can't hurt Lil Tune." I rolled my eyes at him as he leaned in kissing my neck. "Get off me." Wayne laughed in my neck running his hands under my shirt. "You know you don't want me to stop, that's how you got that baby in your stomach." I laughed at him lifting up so he could pull my shirt off. "Umm no honey, you can't stop that's how you got 4 kids and this one on the way." Wayne laughed as he stood up to finish undressing. "Ok, you right, but your just as bad."

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now