Chapter 5

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I sat quietly as Wayne parked the car at the house. I sighed looking over at him. Wayne leaned back into his seat, "ready to go in." I shook my head no. "Do we have too." Wayne shook his head. "Yeah, I got to go get shit ready for our trip to LA." I sighed. "When are we leaving?" Wayne bit his lip, "Uh, tomorrow." I roll my eyes. "Whatever." Wayne opens the door grabbing our bags. "I'm banning that word from your vocabulary." I grin up at him "whatever, whatever, whatever." Wayne took our bags to the bedroom then went to his office to make some calls. I unpacked our bags and looked through my own messages on my phone. I had a couple from Adrianna, I text her back letting her know everything was fine, that we had went on a little mini vacation. I walked downstairs turning the tv on sitting down on the couch.

Wayne came downstairs almost an hour and half later. "I gotta run to the studio baby, I'll be back in a couple of hours." I sigh. "Already being called away." Wayne leans down giving me a kiss, "I would tell you to come with me, but your ass needs to get started packing for LA,we will be there till Friday." I shrugged, "whatever." Wayne gave me that look of his, "Love you girl, behave while I'm gone." I laugh up at him. "Your the one who needs to behave lil boy." Wayne smirks at me, "always." I get up and walk Wayne to the door to the garage. As he opens the door he stops pulling me into him. "You can come if ya want." I shake my head no, "I'll get our stuff ready so you wont have so much to worry about when you get home, just bring home supper." Wayne leaned down for a kiss. "Deal." I stood in the doorway until Wayne back out and the doors started coming back down.

I walked upstairs sighing. He was going to LA to shoot a music video so I knew he would have his Trukfit stylist there to dress him, so all I really had to do was throw him some clothes in a suitcase and he would be good. I packed his bag first, we would be in LA for 5 days then we would try try and go see Fallon for two. When I finished Wayne's bag I moved to mine. While I was choosing outfits I decided to call Ryan. He answered on the first ring. "What Maci." I rolled my eyes. "Hey Ryan, hows my girl doing." He paused. "She's asleep." I glanced at the clock sighing. "I was wondering if I came down this weekend if you would let Fallon stay with me Saturday until Sunday afternoon." I could hear Ryan let out a breath. "Will he be with you?" I sit down on the bed dreading the fight I felt was coming. "Yes, we will be stopping on our way back from LA." Ryan smirked. "I don't care Maci, but your not taking her back to Florida yet, she is still my child too." I frowned. "Ryan I have never once tried to take her from you, what are you talking about." Ryan let out a breath. "Just letting you know now, I'd rather you not even come down here and get her started, but I know if I was in Florida and you wouldn't let me come see my own child I'd be pissed." I nodded to myself. "Thanks for understanding Ryan..." Ryan cut in. "I'm doing this for Fallon not for you. I think its funny how you let that nigga walk all over you, but I fuck up once and you left me." I sigh. "Ryan, don't start." Ryan paused. "Just let me know when you want her Saturday." I told him ok and hung up.

I was downstairs playing on my computer when I heard the garage doors lift. I met Wayne in the kitchen. He had picked up some Italian food. I pulled some plates out as he took everything out of the bag. I put some salad, shrimp alfredo, and bread sticks on our plates. Wayne pulled himself a beer and me a coke out of the fridge. We decided to eat in the living room. As we sat down I gave the remote to Wayne, I had been halfway watching one of the older Underworld movies on the scify channel. Wayne shook his head. "We can finish this, I actually like this one." I roll my eyes grinning at him. "It goes hard huh." Wayne laughs in between bites. "I wouldn't go that far. " I reach out taking a drink of my coke. "What time do we have to be at the airport." Wayne shrugged. "I kinda wanted to leave tonight." I look at him. "Well we are packed, talked to Ryan he seems ok about us getting Fallon Saturday." Wayne nods his head still eating. I see him glance at his phone on the table and can see it lighting it up. I frown at him. "What happened to it vibrating." Wayne shrugs, "I didn't need it distracting me earlier, I'll turn it back on. What does it matter." I give him a look getting up to go put my plate in teh kitchen. I didn't want to think negative thoughts about the phone but he always has his phone on silence with the stupid vibrate on. If he don't want it to bother him he turns the whole phone off.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now