Chapter 7

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I heard her catch her breath. It was obvious she didnt expect me to answer the phone. I could hear her breathing on the other end of the line. I let out a breath. "Look I know who you are, what the hell do you want. I heard her sigh. "I just wanted to check on Wayne, can I talk to him." I felt the laugh escape my lips before I realized it was coming. This bitch was high on something if she thought I was going to let her talk to my man. "Umm no that's ok, but I'll be sure to let him know you called." I went to hang up on her when she started talking again. "You can never come between me and him, we are soul mates, I was there before you and will be there after you." I felt my jaw drop, was this bitch for real. I quickly recovered, "Bitch you are delusional." She was silent for a second, "He's been fucking around on you so you tell me which one of us is delusional." She hung up the phone and I sat looking at the screen. Stupid bitch.

I was sitting on the edge of teh bed with his phone in my hand when Wayne came walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He cocked his eyebrow and me already knowing something was about to go down. I looked up at him, " yeah so your soul mate called talking about I can never come between ya'll and that you've been fucking around on me." I saw Wayne's jaw clench. "You answered my phone." I know I looked at him like he was crazy. "Yeah is that a problem?" Wayne let out a deep breath, "She said what?" I sigh rolling my eyes at him and tell him the whole conversation. Wayne walks up on me. "You know she lying to you?" I shrug my shoulders, I didn't know what to think, I just knew the bitch was still calling him. Wayne let out a breath sitting down beside me, "Maci, I promise you, your my only girl." I shake my head feeling a tear start to fall, I angrily swiped at it. "If I'm your girl, your only girl call her back and tell her to stop fucking calling." Wayne gave me a look snatching his phone from me, I sat there beside him as he hit recall. I heard her answer the phone talking shit, probably thinking it was me calling back. Wayne sighed. "Dhea shut up for a minute damn, look I'mma need you to stop calling my phone, stop texting" I wished I could hear her response, Wayne closed his eyes putting his hand to his eyes. "Cause I fucking said so, what the fuck you tell my girl." Wayne stood up and I knew he was getting pissed off. "Don't fucking matter if she had shit to do with it or not Dhea, she's my girl not you, you had your fucking and you fucked that up." Wayne hit end on his phone throwing it on the bed walking in the other room. I sat on the bed looking like ok.

I got up and found Wayne sitting on the couch smoking a blunt. "You going to change out that towel." Wayne looked up at me, "When you come take it off." I rolled my eyes, he could never be serious. "SO you think she will stop." Wayne shook his head. "Hell no, going to have to block her ass." I walk up beside him, "thank you for doing that." Wayne shrugged taking a hit of his blunt. "She's not goign to be the reason we split." I cock my eyebrow at him "so I don't want to piss you off but..." Wayne cut me off. "Maci I swear on my momma I aint been fucking her." I nod my head at him as he holds out his hand pulling me down to sit by him. I snuggle up to him. "You know I love you right." I look up at Wayne grinning, "So you say." Wayne laughs at me. "That's what you better know." I lean my head against his shoulder, "I do baby, I love you too." Wayne leans forward putting his blunt out. "Maybe now all this fucking fighting can stop." I shrug, "As long as she stops." Wayne stands up pulling me with him. As we walk in the bedroom he pulls at his towel. "No you need to get ride of some of that shit you have on."

Wayne was up and ready to go by the time I woke up in the morning. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6am. "Think ya'll will be able to wrap it up today." Wayne sat on the edge of the bed putting his hand on my hip. "Yeah baby, I'll have all my shit done today, they can finish without me. We will fly out today at 2, so if ya don't mind get our shit together." I nod my head. "K, we still going to see Fallon?" Wayne nodded , "yeah I already got us a room, just get with Ryan about what time we can get her Saturday, unless you want to try and get her Friday night." I made a face, "don't see Ryan being that nice." Wayne bit his lip then leaned in giving me a kiss. "Love you baby, I'll be back soon." I nod ok rolling back over gong to sleep.

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving TunechiWhere stories live. Discover now