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*Draco's P.O.V. (19 years later)

September 1st. The first day of the new year at Hogwarts. It was supposed to be a special day

Not this year.

Not for the past 19 years.

I had always hoped to some day send a son or daughter off to Hogwarts, their mother shedding silent tears as her babies grow up and leave.

I stood in a corner behind the barrier at King's Cross, watching parents help their children pile their trunks on the train and hug them goodbye. Why was I doing this to myself? Every year since her death, I come to watch parents, loving couples, send their children away, just as I had always wished to do. It would never happen.

The love of my life was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts 19 years ago. Not just killed. Destroyed. Not by just anyone. By me. Reflecting on the memory, I became distraught and found myself sitting on the cold stone, head in my hands.


"Draco!" someone yelled. "Draco!" they yelled louder. I spun around to see a curly black haired girl running towards me at top speed. I had no clue who she was, but she obviously knew me. I couldn't help but think how similar she looked to my Aunt Bellatrix. Dear Godric, I hoped that woman didn't have a child. 

The girl ran at me with determination and I whipped out my wand. She stopped dead in her tracks and eyed me nervously. "Draco what are you d--" she started, but I never let her finish. The Killing Curse spilled out of my mouth and hit hit in the middle of her chest. She fell backwards and was silent. I ran over to her and inspected her. No, I definitely had no clue who this girl was. Or, that's what I thought until I saw the skin slowly start melting away. What was happening?

Polyjuice Potion. My stomach dropped. Who did I just kill?

Once the skin was completely melted and I saw the beautiful girl lying dead before me, I turned my head a vomited what little substance was in my stomach. Skylar Smith. Skye. My Skye. I just killed the love of my life. 

*end flashback*

I remembered that moment so clearly. I mean, obviously, it's hard to forget when you murder the girl you wanted to marry. Then I saw her. A little girl. She must be a first year, maybe a second year, she was so tiny. I couldn't believe how much she looked like her. Like Skye. The long blonde hair, the blue eyes that sparkle when she smiled matched with small dimples on her cheeks. She even had little freckles all over her nose. Just like Skye. I stared at the girl as she smiled and gave her mother and father a hug before walking onto the train. A moment later, her head appeared out of the window. She laughed and waved to her parents, soon joined by her friends. 

I couldn't help but wonder if that's what our child would have looked like; small, petite, extremely blonde, wide eyed, and happy. The exact opposite of what I am now. I'm somber with dark circles under my eyes due to sleepless nights reliving the worst night of my life.

I saw Potter and the Weasley girl sending their next child along with the other two, and grief hit me even harder. People I went to school with; they're still together. I looked to the left and saw the youngest Weasley boy, Ron, and that Mudbl-- Muggleborn Granger sending their children off as well.  It broke my heart that I couldn't be here with Skye to send what would have been a beautiful child off to the most magical place known.

"Draco, it's time to go. Until next year," a voice whispered in my ear. I lifted my head and looked around. I would recognize that voice anywhere. I heard it every year. Her. She was always here. It made sense though, this is where she was happiest, of course her spirit would linger here. It talked to me every year. I think that's the only reason I kept coming back; just to hear her voice, even if it was only for 5 seconds, it was worth it. It was worth all the torture. It was worth all the sleepless nights it caused me. It was worth the nightmares. 

I just wish I wouldn't have been so jumpy 19 years ago. I wish I would have thought before firing that curse. I couldn't kill the old man Dumbledore, but I could kill my girlfriend. How pathetic am I? 

I stood up, took one last look at the Hogwarts Express, and exited the magical barrier once more. I hated how I returned every year, torturing myself, but I guess that's the price I paid for love.


lol I'm done now! I hope you guys enjoyed the story! Sorry if you didn't lol. I had a lot of fun writing it, but as much fun as that was, I'm kind of glad to be done. 

It was a long two years, and over the past year, I went through extreme depression. I wanted to continue the story, but I hated myself and the world, and I just couldn't find the time or energy to get anything onto my computer screen that would be worth reading. At one point I just wanted to kill off every single character and end the story, but then I decided that was a horrible idea and just put the story on hold instead.

I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am that you chose to read this story and stick with it. My slow updates were probably super annoying and frustrating, but if you waited through all of them to get to this point, thank you so much.

I hope you guys decide to read the next fic I'm writing-- It's a George Weasley one (lol gingers <3) and I have lots of great ideas for it. My goal is to update more frequently and not take a year long break in the middle.

Thank you again for all your time.

Feel free to vote for any of the chapters if you think they're good and comment on anything. I haven't decided if I want to go back and edit the entire thing, but if enough comments want me to, I might.

I'd love to hear what y'all liked and disliked about this story so that I can make my next one even better. Pleas please please comment the pros and cons to this story (please don't talk about my year long break because I'm already aware that it wasn't the best). I just want to write stories that people will enjoy reading, but I don't know what everyone likes. Leave a comment and let me know things you'd like to see, things you wish I would change, etc... in my next fic.

Thanks again for reading :)

The Price of Love • Draco Malfoy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now