Chapter 10

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-Skylar's dream-

"How could you Skye?! How could you do this to us?! Why do you hate us?! How could you betray us like this?! He's the enemy; you can't be with him! I know we broke up, but I didn't think you we're so desperate as to date him!" Ron sneered as he criticized me.

I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks. "No, Ron, you don't understand! I don't hate you, any of you! I'm not betraying you! He's not an enemy, it's all in your head! Please, you have to believe me!" I sobbed as Ron continued to glare at me. "He was there or me when you left me - he helped me through the pain I felt when we broke up! Please, you have to understand; I can't lose you or Harry or Hermione, please, Ron!"

"Nothing you say matters anymore, Skylar. You chose him over your three best friends - how could you? You're pathetic!" Ron spit and left it at that. I watched the back of his red head retreat into the distance and I couldn't stop the horrid choking noises from coming out o my throat. I collapsed on the ground and it began to rain. It rained a thick heavy rain and I cried harder once I realized I had just lost my best friend forever."

-end dream-

I awoke with a start to see Hermione standing over me with an extremely worried look on her face. "Hermione, wh-what h-h-hap-happened?" I stuttered, chilled to the bone. "...and why am I all wet?"

"You must have been having a bad dream... You were thrashing around an awful lot and your screaming was terrible to listen to. You were sweating and crying and I may have dumped a large bucket of water on you to get you to wake up" Hermione said and smiled apologetically.

"Oh, alright. Hey, Herms, I think I'm just going to go sit in front of the fire for a little while. Thanks for waking me." I wrapped my favorite blanket around myself and trudged down the stairs. I plopped down in my favorite armchair right in front of the fire.

"Skye, is that you?" A familiar voice whispered from behind, startling me ever so slightly.

"Oh, um yeah hey Ronnie" I murmured as Ron sat on the couch. He patted the cushion next to him and I reluctantly left my armchair to sit by him. He placed him strong arm around my shoulders and I relaxed onto him.

"Why - why are you all wet?" He asked, stifling a yawn after a moment of silence.

"Oh, sweat and water. I'm sure Hermione will explain tomorrow, and if not then it doesn't matter" I whispered, not wanting to wake any of the other Gryffindors. "Nightmare" I added, noticing his extremely cute confused glance.

"If you want, we can just rest here until it's time for breakfast" Ron told me and I nodded, not having the energy to do much else. The couch was big enough for the both of us to lay comfortably. I snuggled into Ron and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Goodnight Skye" he whispered before giving me a light kiss.

"Mm goodnight Ronald" I whispered back, smiling slightly when Ron grumbled about the use of his full name.

- - - - - -

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone on the couch meaning Ron must have gotten up to shower. I pushed myself off the couch and tromped up the stairs. Much to my surprise, Hermione had just started getting ready. "Hermione! You're up! Wow, what time is is?" It must have been fairly early since Hermione was usually done getting ready by the time I woke up.

"It's only 7:30, don't worry, I woke up late." I sighed in relief at her reply - I never wake up before 7:30; never have and I never plan to. I hopped on the shower and let the hot water run down my body. I started to think about the dream I had last night.

'What could Ron mean? "He's the enemy, you can't be with him!" What in the name of Merlin was that supposed to mean?!' I pushed the thought out of my head and tried to enjoy the rest of my shower.

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