Chapter 3

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I silently crept down the hallways as I headed to the potions classroom.

'Please don't let a teacher catch me PLEEEEEAASE don't let a teacher catch me!' I begged. I didn't need a detention this early in the year.

'Why does the potions classroom have to be so far away? Sure, the potions classroom is an easy place for Malfoy, it's near his common room! But for me, it's seven floors away from my common room' I thought. Stupid Malfoy, couldn't we have met in the middle so I'm not the only one to get into trouble?

Finally I neared the potions classroom. I stepped inside and closed the door. I flinched as it made a loud creaking noise.

"About time, Smith" Malfoy sneered. "Could you not have been bothered to show up on time? You're fifteen minutes late!"

I was appalled. "Oh, I'm sorry that this classroom is seven floors away from my common room and I didn't want to get detention for sneaking out after hours!" I whisper yelled back at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, lets just get started so, hopefully, we can get a couple hours of sleep tonight. But, seeing how awful you are at potions, it's highly unlikely."

"Fine, what are we starting with?" I asked him.

Malfoy shrugged. "I dunno; I figured maybe we could try the Strengthening Solution again. You seemed to somewhat get it in class today, but not completely."

"Oh, alright" I replied, shocked at his sudden change of tone. Draco Malfoy sounded, dare I say, somewhat... Nice. Malfoy got all the ingredients we would need and told me to start.

Boy, did I feel dumb; I couldn't do anything right!

"Arghhhh, Malfoy help me I don't know what I'm doing!" I grumbled as he sat off to the side, watching me intently. "What are you staring at?"

"What, oh, nothing. I'm just watching you fail at making that Strengthening Solution, Smith" he smirked.

"Well then why don't you do it so something doesn't explode?" I shot back, sick of screwing up.

"Fine" he said as he shoved me out of the way and started brewing the potion properly. I moved to the corner where he had been sitting and watched. I watched the way he ever so carefully chopped up the ingredients needed. I watched the way he swiped his hair out of the way. I watched the way he narrowed his eyes in concentration. I watched the way he licked his lips in frustration.'

'What am I doing?! He's a slimy git that's absolutely horrible! Maybe, just maybe, I would think he was cute if one, he was a bit nicer to everyone, two, he wiped that sexy smirk off his face, and three, he wasn't in Slytherin. I remember how awful I felt about almost being out in Slytherin, but dating one? Unthinkable.

"Smith. Smith. Smiiiiiiith. Were you even paying attention?" Malfoy asked, sounding extremely annoyed. "Look, Smith, I don't wanna be here any more than you do, so if you could maybe just pay attention... We could leave" he said bluntly.

"Um.. Sorry.." I muttered, embarrassed at myself. I felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks and I prayed it would go away before the stupid git would notice.

He rubbed his neck and sighed. "Maybe we should be done for the night. You're obviously not focusing." There is was again; a semi-nice sounding Draco Malfoy.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. When should we meet up again?" I asked, extremely thankful for the session ending early.

"Tomorrow. Same time and place" Malfoy said as he left the room hurriedly.

'What a weirdo' I thought as I packed up my stuff and headed back to the common room. As I entered the portrait hole, I saw Hermione sitting on the couch.

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