Chapter 8

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A/N: this is kind of a filler... Draco's thoughts/POV on everything that's happened from January to May with Ron and Skylar, plus some current crap thats happening.(present tense) Probably a pretty short chapter, but I've been looking forward to writing this one so I hope you like it!! :)


(Roughly 4 months later; school year almost over. You get the idea)


How would you feel if the girl you were in love with hated you? Or what if she spent every spare second she had with the best friend of your sworn enemy? You'd feel like absolute dragon dung, right? No, nevermind, that last one isn't a question, it's more of a statement. That's exactly how I feel right now. It's how I've been feeling for the last four months.

They've been together for four months, four excruciatingly long and painful months. It's been four months since I finally admitted to myself that I'm in love with Skylar; everything about her drives me crazy. I love the way her face lights up when she laughs, especially her twinkling eyes. Although she and I may have the same color eyes, hers are bright and hold so much life and light in them, whereas mine are dull and lifeless. I love the way she blushes whilst answering a question in class or when she gets complimented. I love the way she runs her fingers through her hair when she's frustrated. I love the way she can eat half of the food served for dinner and not break a sweat. I love the fact that, over the past four months, she's been happy. The only thing I hate is that I'm not the one making her happy.

I would give anything to be the one to make her laugh and have her eyes light up. If I could, I would compliment her every time I saw her. I would love to hold her in my arms and call her mine. I would never take her for granted. Unfortunately for me though, none of the other Slytherins can know I fancy her. Blaise Zabini maybe, but if so, he's the only one. No one can know because it means I, Draco Malfoy, Badass Slytherin Prince, son of loyal Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, have gone soft.

The last day of school is only three weeks away. Wow, I feel like I still have so much that needs to be done. OWLs take place next week and I've hardly had any time to study since I've been so busy helping Skylar cram for potions. That's right, we started the you tutoring sessions again. Although I hate seeing her frustrated, I love being able to SEE her and help her.

I wish I could tutor her during the day though.

It's currently 1:45 in the morning and Skylar is finishing up a potion that takes 25 minutes to brew. Not too long, yet a fairly complicated potion. I notice her head beginning to nod and I can tell she's struggling to stay awake. For the past two months, we've been meeting in the middle of the night, anywhere from 12:00 to 4:30 to work and, with having to wake up at 6:30 the following morning, this has caused the two of us to be extremely tired.

I tried to meet her earlier tonight in hopes of getting some sleep, but it looks like we'll be getting about four hours at the rate she's moving.

I slowly walk up to her and grab her hands before she can chop a finger off instead of chopping up cockroaches.

"You can be done for tonight. Go get sleep. I know you need it" I whispered and she looked up at me, eyes drooping.

"There's no way I'll make it back to my common room..." I heard her mumble.

Quickly, I dumped her potion (she knew what she was doing, only she was too tired to work efficiently) and murmured, "come with me."

Her tired eyes widened in fear as she backed away from me. A lump formed in my throat as I asked, "Skylar, don't you trust me?" She nodded her head slowly and I grabbed her hand and made my way towards the Slytherin common room. I had my own dorm, so I figured she could sleep in an extra bed.

"Mudblood" I whispered as we came to the entrance of the common room. I ushered Skylar inside and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a figure sitting in the dark green armchair.

"Who is that?" I whisper-yelled at the figure.

"Relax man, it's only me" Blaise replied. "I won't tell anyone" he added hurriedly once he saw Skylar stumble over.

I nodded my thanks and brought her to my dorm. Immediately, she fell onto the nearest bed and passed out. I smiled at her sleeping figure as I got myself ready for bed as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the bed she was on was mine, so I would either have to settle for a different bed or climb in with her. It looked like the latter was out, though, due to the fact that she was sprawled across my bed like a star.

I chuckled as I climbed into the neighboring bed, but not before giving her a swift kiss on the cheek and whispering a 'good night, I love you' knowing she wouldn't remember anything the next morning.






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