Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in my dorm. Hermione, Lavender, and Ginny must already be at breakfast. I sighed as I rolled out of bed, literally. I smashed into the floor and grunted. I stood up and grumbled about life. As you can probably tell, I'm not a morning person.

I got in the shower, letting the hot water run over my tired body. It felt so good, too bad I had to go to stupid classes today. I turned off the wonderful water and got dressed into my usual Gryffindor robes.

I magically dried my hair and applied a light layer of makeup. I didn't really believe wearing a ton of makeup was necessary unless it was for something formal, like a wedding, or something. Just a touch of mascara is good enough for me!

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I had never liked the way I looked, but recently, I began to accept myself. My flowy blonde hair fell right above my breasts and curved nicely around my face. My eyes were grey with small flecks of blue which nicely complimented my skin tone, as well. My friends always told me I looked like a Slytherin, and, as much as I hate them for it, they're right. I have the perfect shade of blonde hair and pale eyes that fits a Slytherin very well.

Right before I headed down to breakfast, I put on my most prized possession; my father's wedding ring. When my father died, my mum let me have it, and the only time I ever take it off is in the shower, so I don't lose it.

I smiled at myself one more time before I left my dorm and made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. As soon as I got there, though, I realized how late I was. Breakfast was over. Shit.

I grumbled to myself about how awful mornings were as I made my way to Potions. Potions was the one class I was bloody awful at. Unfortunately, this class was shared with the Slytherins, making it ten times worse than it already was. Grumble grumble.

As I got to the Potions classroom, I trudged inside, upset over not getting breakfast. I sat down next to Hermione and she handed me an apple, making my mood considerably brighter.

"Good morning class" Professor Snape drawled in his monotone voice.

"Good morning Professor" the Gryffindors echoed back. The Slytherins just rolled their eyes and moaned.

"Today, we will be learning how to brew--" Snape continued to drawl on and I zoned out.

Oh, how I wish I could be outside playing Quidditch right now. Feel the wind tickle my face and mess up my hair as I rode my broom high above the ground. Oh, how I longed to chuck the Quaffle through the other team's goals...

"--and lastly, Miss Smith. You will be partners with Mr. Malfoy" I heard Snape say and I groaned. Loud. "Miss Smith. Five points from Gryffindor for being utterly disrespectful"

I grumbled to myself, low enough so Snape couldn't hear, and made my way to Malfoy's table.

"You have thirty minutes to prepare your potion. Begin" Snape said, as monotonously as ever.

"Um, Malfoy, I hate, and I do mean hate, to ask, but what exactly are we doing?" I asked the blonde little ferret.

"Strengthening Solution, Smith" he muttered as he began working. As painful as it was, we managed to brew the potion correctly.

I was getting ready to leave, when I heard Snape call my name. I rolled my eyes and walked up to his desk, planting a smile on my face.

"Yes, Professor?" I asked innocently.

"I hope you are aware that you currently have a 'T' in this class" Snape told me, raising his pudgy eyebrows. My mouth dropped. I thought I at least had a 'P'.

"Um.. Um.. Professor I-I... Shit" I swore.

"Mind your tongue, Miss Smith. From now on, I will be having the top of the class tutor you." I smirked, Hermione was top in everything, so I had nothing to worry about.

"Oh alright, would you like me to inform her tonight, Professor?" I asked sweetly.

"Her? Miss Smith, are you also aware that Miss Granger is NOT top in this class? Mr. Malfoy is" Snape said, attempting to hide the smirk that was creeping onto his face, wiping the smirk right off my face and replacing it with a look of disgust.

"So, Professor, you're telling me, that MALFOY is tutoring me?!" I yelled at him.

"Yes, I am. If you have a problem with it, you can fail this class. Mr. Malfoy has already been informed. It is up to the two of you to decide when your tutoring sessions will be" Snape said, and, with a flick of his hand, I was dismissed.

The rest of the day passed fairly quickly. The only semi-interesting part was during DADA. The new teacher this year was Professor Umbridge and damn is she nasty.

After dinner that night, I decided to go to the owlery and owl Malfoy about my stupid tutoring sessions. I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote my letter.


When and where can we do this stupid tutoring thing? Reply whenever.


I sighed as I sent my beautiful owl, Mouse, off into the sky to give my letter to Malfoy. I know what you're thinking, 'Mouse. What a stupid name for an owl.' Yeah, it is. But, I've had Mouse since I was little and the name stuck, so thats what I called her. (I was bad with animals, alright?)

I made my way back to the common room while muttering about stupid Snape and stupid Malfoy and stupid tutoring. Just as I was getting into bed for the night, I heard a tapping come from the window. I walked to the window and saw Mouse had returned already.

I let her in and untied the letter from her leg.

Potions classroom. 10:00.

I grumbled some more as I threw on sweatpants and a large t-shirt. Hey, if Malfoy is making me study later than 7:00, why not be comfortable.

"Where do you think you're going, Skylar?" Lavender asked me snottily, just as I was about to leave.

"What's it to you?" I replied, starting out of the common room with my potions book, already bored with this conversation. "I'm studying."

So what if it was after hours?


A/N okay I'm sorry if this isn't moving fast enough but this is my first attempt at a somewhat decent fanfic so be patient please!




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