Chapter 6

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Almost as suddenly as it started, Christmas break was coming to a close. This meant classes, homework, and annoying teachers. I did miss my friends though. Yes, I like my alone time, but when the gigantic Gryffindor common room has a maximum of two people, it feels extremely lonely.

The date today is January 1st and I have spent the past eight days trying to figure out who sent me the necklace I was currently wearing. I couldn't get over how beautiful this necklace was. It was, for lack of a better word, perfect. I sincerely wished whoever sent it to me would take pride in this gift and show themselves. I was killing (not literally) to know who it was from.

Sick of being alone in the common room, I headed up to the owlery to send a letter to Draco, asking him if we could begin tutoring again. OWLs were less than five months away and I needed to get an 'A' to pass. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get in some extra practice.


Hey, long time no talk, not that it matters. Is there any chance you could tutor me some more in potions? I'd really like an 'A' on my OWLs and I need your help. If you hate me too much that's fine and I'll just ask someone else.



I signed and sealed my letter, told Mouse who to deliver it to, and threw her out the window. I watched as she disappeared into the sky.

(2 weeks later)

Hermione, Ron, and I were walking down to the Quidditch pitch for the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match. The wind was bone-chilling and we all knew that by the end of the game, we'd be icicles, but we tried to ignore it.

When the three of us reached the stands, we huddled together for warmth as the game began. Slytherin quickly took the lead and you could hear the ripple of groans coming from the entire Gryffindor section. We could not, repeat, NOT, lose to Slytherin again. I cuddled closer to Ron, attempting to steal some of his body heat, and he wrapped his arms around my, sharing what little warmth we had.

"Wow, w-w-wa-way-ay to sh-sh-are with m-m-me, guys" Hermione joked and I had to laugh. Even though she was freezing cold and I could see her teeth chattering she still managed to crack a joke.

I heard a loud chorus of cheers erupt from the Slytherin stands, meaning Slytherin made another goal. Shortly after the Slytherin's cheers, the traditional Gryffindor groan started up; we were too predictable. The game continued with Lee's depressing commentary about how Slytherin was ahead and would most likely win the game, unless Harry caught the Snitch, gaining Gryffindor 150 points, before the Slytherin seeker.

"The score is currently 10-120 Slytherin, meaning-- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I DO BELIEVE MR. POTTER HAS SPOTTED THE GOLDEN SNITCH!" Lee announced as everyone in the stands jumped out of their seats and searched the air for Harry. Suddenly, we saw a red and gold figure darting towards the groud at top speed.

"Look! There's Harry!" I yelled at Ron and Hermione as I pointed to Harry.

"HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE GOLDEN SNITCH, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! THE FINAL SCORE IS 160-120; GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Lee yelled as the Gryffindors errupted into loud applause and cheers. I spun myself around to give Ron a hug, but he had other thoughts. The next thing I knew, Ron's hands were on my cheeks and soon, his warm lips were on mine and, being the girl I am, I melted. Not literally, of course, but I was probably close.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time" Ron whispered softly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I felt my cheeks heat up at his words and cursed myself. I hoped no one would notice or, if they did, think the redness of my cheeks was due to the cold. "Do you, um, want to take a walk?" I nodded vigorously and squeezed through the crowd of students with Ron towing close behind. Once we escaped the huge mass of people, Ron grabbed my hand and we walked in the direction of the black lake. "You know, Skye, I've been wanting to ask you something..."

I looked up at Ron and saw that his face was nearly as red as his hair. "Mm you have?" I asked, teasing him (not sexually ew no sorry).

"Uhh, yeah. Would you want to--" Ron began but he was cut off by someone yelling my name


I meant to reply to Smith's owl but I haven't had the time. After the Quidditch match, I kept looking around for her and stopped when I saw her holding hands with Weasley. I felt my stomach churn at the sight. Why, it's not like I like her. Still, seeing them together definitely makes me feel.. Something. What that something is, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, I followed Smith and Weasel down to the black lake.

"You know, Skye, I've been wanting to ask you something..." Weasel trailed off and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"You have?" Smith replied with a sassy tone in her voice as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Uhh, yeah. Would you want to--"

"Hello Smith. Weasley" I spit, interrupting their conversation.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Weasley asked as Smith slowly moved away from him.

"A better question would be what are you doing, my dear Weasely?" I smirked at him and his face reddened even more.

"We were only taking a walk" Smith replied cooly. "Come on, Ron, let's go somewhere else" I heard her mutter as she grabbed his hand subtly and started to walk away.

"I wouldn't waste your time on her, Weasley, she's worthless!" I yelled after them. Smith turned around and gave me a death glare as tears shined in her eyes. If looks could kill. Sure I felt a little bit bad about saying that, but it's true.


"I wouldn't waste your time on her, Weasley, she's worthless!" Malfoy spit and I resisted the urge to turn around and punch him. I saw Skye whip her head around and glare at him. If looks could kill.

"I hate him" she muttered, wiping her eyes.

"Hey hey now, don't think about it. You're perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about you" I said as I threw one arm around her shoulder and gave her a sideways hug.

"It's not the first time he's called me worthless" I heard her whisper.

"Who cares?! It's Malfoy! He's just a stupid git, anyway!" I yelled and she flinched. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, it's just, don't believe anything he was for a second." I kissed her hair and she sighed deeply.

"Thanks Ron" she muttered. "Hey, didn't you want to ask me something before Malfoy interrupted?" I blushed. "Oh Ron there's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"I, um, wanted to know if you wanted to, uh, be my girlfriend?" I asked awkwardly. Skylar smiled so I took it as a good sign.

She kissed my cheek and said, "I'd absolutely love to."


A/N : I'm sorry it took so long to upload this chapter! I've been busy and been unable to think properly but at least I finished it! Again I'm soooo sorry(: thank you to anyone who's reading this story it means a lot to me!! Mwah(:





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