Chapter 19

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A/N: alright... so, I don't remember if I mentioned when Skylar's Birthday is... so I decided to make it in March... if I've already said it was in a different time, im really sorry but I don't remember... please forgive me! <3



If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st of August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost: 12 Galleons.

"Hermione look!" I yelled at Hermione like a small child. "Apparition lessons!"

"Yes, I see that, Skye. I assume you'll be signing up?" she asked me and I vigorously nodded my head.

"Yes, I'm very excited to learn how to Apparate! Rob does it all the time when he's home just to annoy me, so I can't wait until I can do it, too. He'll never have another moment of peace while he's home!" I squealed.

Hermione just rolled her eyes and signed her name on the piece of parchment provided. Once she was done signing up and paying, she handed me her quill, knowing I never carry my own around, and I scribbled my name messily under hers.

"Yay!" I squealed again, causing Hermione to roll her eyes. "Oh, lighten up, Hermione! I'm allowed to be excited, aren't I? It is my birthday tomorrow."

"I know, I know. You haven't stopped talking about it for days. No offense or anything, but I can't wait until it's over so you'll finally shut up" Hermione said, giving me a small smile, letting me know she still loved me.

"Whatever" I replied, giggling. "Oh, sorry!" I yelled as I bumped into someone, not watching where I was going.

"Watch where you're going, next time!" a gruff voice said. I looked up to see Draco dusting himself off.

"Oh, Draco, it's you. Sorry about that" I said earnestly. He stopped dusting himself off and looked down at me. His gaze was cold, making me feel uneasy.

"Like I said, watch yourself next time, Smith" he grumbled, still glaring at me.

"Git" I mumbled, continuing to Charms with Hermione, yet I couldn't help but feel hurt by his tone of voice. Usually when Draco spoke to me, his voice was warm and soft, but now it was hard and cruel.

Seamus seemed to be the only other one excited about apparition. "How cool will it be? Imagine! We'll be able to just-" he snapped his fingers to indicate disappearing. I guess Seamus was so lost in happy thought of Apparating, that he flicked his wand a tad bit too hard, and ended up knocking Professor Flitwick on his face. I snorted in laughted and clutched my side when Flitwick gave Seamus lines.

"I have to write this?" Seamus asked, disbelievingly.

I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick.

This only caused me to laugh harder, earning glares from the majority of the class and lines from Flitwick.

"Great" I mumbled and it was Seamus' turn to laugh.

I am a wizard, not a cackling hyena.

"I'm sorry for enjoying life, gosh," I whispered, trying to hide the smirk creeping up on my face.


I woke up on March 24th extremely excited; it was my birthday! "Hermione, wake up! It's my birthday! Wake uuupppp!" I shouted. My birthday was the only day I ever woke up early.

Hermione slowly opened one eye and then decided to smack me with her pillow. "No, go bother Harry or one of the other boys. They deserve to get woken up by a screaming 17 year old" she grumbled.

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