Chapter 28

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"I miss you so much, Skylar. I love you," he whispered. My body froze; did he just say what I thought he did? "I miss you, I love you, I would do anything to have you back. I'm so sorry things can't be different," he whispered again, brushing his lips gently against mine. After another minute of listening to Draco's muttering, I felt something wet drip onto my forehead. Was Draco crying? Impossible, impossible; it was all just an act, right? I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as they would go, preventing any tears from sneaking out; I refuse to cry over this heartless prick and, even though I hate to admit it, I still loved him as much as I did a year ago.

About half an hour later, I still hadn't managed to fall asleep. I strained my ears to listen for any signs of Draco being awake, and when I heard none, I cautiously opened my eyes. I found myself about an inch from Draco's face and I blushed; I guess I hadn't realized how close to him my body was. I slowly unwrapped his arms from around my body, only for him to re-wrap them back around my waist, but much tighter this time. I sighed and tried to get comfortable.

When I looked back up at him, he was sweating immensely with a pained expression plastered on his face. I carefully lifted my hand and moved his hair off of his face. I stroked his head, loving the feeling of his hair tangled in my fingers, and stared at his face, which was slowly becoming peaceful again. I moved my hand from his head, and ran my fingers over his face. I know it seems weird, but it was actually quite relaxing. I traced his flawless skin, followed by his lips. His lips were extremely pale and chapped, unlike their usual full, rich colored self.

Wait, what am I doing? I can't do this, not after what he did to me. I don't care if it was an arranged marriage, it was completely random and he shattered my heart to a million tiny pieces. Hell, it's probably his fault I'm stuck here at this mansion, too. Oh never mind, Bellatrix said I was here because I was close friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, right? Oh well, I needed more reasons to hate Drac--Malfoy. His name is Malfoy, not Draco. Only people who like him call him Draco, and I most definitely do not like him. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, to no avail, yet again. Defeated, I decided to give in this last time and try to get a decent night of sleep before I was thrown back in that horrible cellar.

I woke up uncertain of where I was and what was happening. I felt someone playing with my hair, most likely causing it to form nests, and breathing heavily on my neck. I slowly turned my head and was immediately met by a pair of steely grey eyes belonging to none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Get off me," I whispered with as much strength as I could muster. He either seemed to not hear me or he was ignoring my pathetic noises. "Get off me this instant."

"Skye... Please, you know I didn't want to... I didn't want to do that to you yesterday... Please... you have to believe me. I love you..." Malfoy said just above a whisper.

"I don't care if you wanted to do it or not; you did. If you love someone, I would expect you wouldn't perform the Cruciatus Curse on them," I replied, flipping over again so that I was staring at a wall rather than his face. Malfoy seemed to understand that I was in no mood to talk, so he removed his arm from my waist and his fingers from my hair, but not before planting a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"I'll be back soon with some food," he muttered as he slammed his bedroom door behind him. Once I was positive he was gone, I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest.

Why does everything bad happen to me? Why me? Why can't something bad happen to someone else for a change? Why is it always me?

I sat with my knees hugged to my chest for a good thirty minutes before Malfoy returned with a small plate of food.

The Price of Love • Draco Malfoy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now