Chapter 30

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"Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade. Vol--You-Know-Who knows. The battle will happen tonight."

The moment those words left Bill's lips I felt the blood drain from my face.

"Tonight?" I squeaked nervously.

"Tonight." Bill confirmed, nodding his head. He motioned for me to follow him to the neighboring room so he could speak with me privately. Bill let out a large sigh before saying, "Skylar... You know I want you to be safe, right?" I opened my mouth to argue what I thought he was about to say, but he stopped me. "Let me finish before you try to argue anything. I want you to be safe, but I know that I can do absolutely nothing to stop you from fighting tonight. If I let you go, would you at least take Polyjuice Potion so no one recognizes you?"

I considered this for a moment. Taking the Polyjuice Potion would mean I would for sure be safe from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, it would mean no one would recognize me and worry about protecting me, and it would mean I could do things on my own. However, it also meant I wouldn't be able to talk to Draco. After all, I was still hoping to talk to him...

"Yeah I'll take some," I agreed after a moment. I decided if I really needed to talk to Draco, I could just wait until we won the battle and the potion wore off. Draco would choose the good side in the end, right?

"Excellent. I'll be back in a jiffy!" Bill said, almost excitedly, as he hurried out the door, most likely in search of some poor muggle to take hair from since it's the only ingredient missing from the Polyjuice Potion. I huffed as I flopped back down onto my bed and started at the ceiling, millions of thoughts racon through my mind.

What if Draco didn't choose the good side, and Harry won? Would be be cast away with all the other Death Eaters? Would he be killed along with the others? Would he even survive the battle? Nevermind that, what about me? In order to find that out, I had to survive, myself. The real struggle of surviving didn't hit me until now; I had to survive a deathly battle with who knows how many wizard and who knows how many Death Eaters and not to mention the Dark Lord himself. Wow.

--(hours later idk lol sometime later)--

"ALRIGHT SKYE I GOT IT!" Bill howled, barging into my room. I hadn't moved a muscle since he left, too absorbed in my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, stupidly, forgetting why he left in the first place.

"The hair? For the Polyjuice Potion? So you can fight tonight? Yeah?"

"Oh, right, sorry.." I trailed off, still consumed by thoughts of Draco.

"If you would maybe... I dunno... Sit up... And come into the kitchen... We could get everything situated?" He suggested, almost hesitantly.

"Sure thing," I mumbled, rolling off the bed and stepping onto the cool ground. I dragged myself into the kitchen and sat down, Draco still on my mind.

What would happen at the battle? How does a battle even work? Is it a free for all? Do we all stand in a line? Is it dark? Is it light? Is it loud?

These questions ran through my mind over and over, with a different answer, a different outlook on every situation each time.

"Drink up, darling" Bill muttered, handing me a glass of a brownish-grey looking liquid.

"Cheers..." I murmured, before taking a deep breath and chugging the whole glass. I gagged as the disgusting liquid traveled down my throat, and I felt the horrible sensation of transforming into a different person begin.

"Well," I started, standing up, "how do I look?"

"Great. Remember that it only lasts for one hour," Bill reminded me. "I've packed a spare bit of it for you to carry along and take if you need. Please stay careful."

"You know I will," I joked, only slightly nervous.

"We should get going," Bill noted, checking the time. I grabbed his arm and he apparated into the night. I felt my stomach twist as my feet left the ground, but in a matter of seconds, they had returned, only in a slightly different location.

"Quick, hurry, hurry," a voice whispered from the shadows. Bill rushed me into the strangers home and the door was bolted shut behind us.

"Aberforth." Bill gave the man a nod, while he eyed me up and down.

"Who's this?" He questioned.

"Skye Smith. Family friend; she's had a little beef with Malfoy, so we thought, for her safety, it was best to disguise her." Bill explained quickly.

Aberforth grunted before giving us a small nod and leading us to a portrait in the back of his home.

"Quickly now, you haven't got much time. The others came through no more than 10 minutes ago, so be ready the minute you get there," Aberforth stated, opening the portrait hole. "In you go, in you go, don't be shy."

I climbed through the hole in the wall and stared down the dark tunnel that lay before me. "You're sure?" I asked Bill, who hopped up behind me.

"Positive, let's go. Unless you'd like to miss out on all the fun?" He smirked, slapping my shoulder and leading the way.

"Good luck" Aberforth called as he sealed the portrait behind us.

Bill and I walked for a solid 3 minutes and 21 seconds before arriving at our final destination: The Room Of Requirement. As we entered, it became apparent that no one else was in the room.

"Bill, where is everyone?"

"They must have been called already, c'mon, let's hurry!"

We jumped down and ran through the Room, finding the nearest exit so we could catch up with the group. We sprinted down the hallways and around corners, until finally, we caught them.

"Nice of you to join us!" Fred joked, or... Maybe it was George... It was hard to tell... Especially with all the pain still surging through my body.

"Ha ha ha" I replied, earning a smile from both of them.

"Hey Skye, just a thought, for future reference... Don't ever dye your hair black... It would be a terrible color on you."

"Thanks Fred." I took a guess at which twin it was, and it turns out I was right.

As we approached the Great Hall, we heard mass yelling from inside... It sounded like Professor Snape? And maybe Harry? Mixed with some McGonagall? What was happening?!
I guess everyone else decided it was time to find out; they sassily blew open the doors to the Great Hall and we marched inside, forming an intimidating "V" shape. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on us. Immediately, I felt uncomfortable. No one had any idea who I was!

"Who's that...? She doesn't even go here..." I heard one Ravenclaw whisper, frantically trying to uncover my identity, even though it wouldn't matter. All people really needed to know was that I'm on the good side.

McGonagall whipped herself around and began firing spells at Snape like there was no tomorrow. Then, out of nowhere, Snape flew out the window, and I never saw him again.

Students clapped and cheered with all their might. A few even wolf-whistled. It looks like McGonagall will forever and always be a favorite. As soon as she began barking orders, chaos erupted. Students who were not given a specific task were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to figure out where to go and how to stay alive once the battle begun. For now, I, along with many other students, were setting up the school's defensive wall.

It was only a matter of time before everyone's life would change forever.

I'm so sorry for this... It's complete rubbish and it's a year overdue I'm so so so so so sorry. I have one or two more chapters before the whole thing is finished... Thank you for all of your support ❤️

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Ilyasm ♡mills

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