Chapter 16

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A/N: I'm really struggling to write this story because my mind keeps drifting and everything AKCOAJSFOSSJ please don't hate me if something isn't perfect - just leave a comment and I'll fix things up :)x



That damn Weasley. How could he do this to Skye? Sure, I hated him, but I hated seeing Skye upset even more. It was so sudden, too, and the way he said it! Ugh. He disgusts me, and that's saying a lot, considering what I am.

Skye had spent the past three hours in my dorm crying her eyes out over Weasley and had finally fallen asleep. I was surprised she trusted me enough to be here, actually. No, we'd never been great friends, but we've always been around, I guess, and as the tutoring sessions continued last year, things changed and we got closer. Me more than her, though, because she didn't love me the way I love her. I love her with everything I have and I would so anything to keep her safe, whereas she thinks of me as more of a 'best friend that all your other friends hate.'

Speaking of her friends hating me, Potter kept insisting I was a Death Eater. It was really beginning to piss me off, actually. Sure, I'm a Death Eater now - unwillingly though. The Dark Lord had showed up at the Manor this summer - on my birthday, of course - and told me he needed me for his plan. I couldn't exactly say, "Sorry, Voldemort, I'd rather not be a Death Eater right now. Come back another day and maybe I'll be more up to it." No, he branded me right then and there on my birthday and gave me my mission. I had to kill Albus Dumbledore.

There was an old Vanishing Cabinet down at Borgin and Burkes.. And a broken Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. Maybe, just maybe, I could fix the one up a bit...

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. Why me? I didn't want this. Yes, when I had been a first or second year, I had dreamed of the Dark Lord asking me to do his will. I dreamed of being one of his most faithful followers. Not any more. There was too much I cared about now, too much that he could take away from me if I screwed up one little thing. I can't mess up.

I looked down at Skye, who was curled into a ball in my bed, and smiled slightly. I hated the thought that I could never be with her. Not that she would ever want to be with me anyway. I brushed a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. I lay down in the bed next to her and watched her. The next thing I knew, my eyelids were drooping and I was asleep.


"BLAISE! Did you see her leave?" I shouted to Blaise who had walked into the Common Room recently. He shook his head and I grunted as I plowed through a group of first years and out of the Common Room.

I found her in the Library with Granger and I figured she'd be fine. Granger was responsible, I guess.


"Skylar, I KNOW, you're upset, but please try to help me!" Hermione begged and I rolled my eyes. Harry and Ron had been accepted into Potions since Slughorn took students who received an 'E' on their OWLs, unlike Snape, who only took those who achieved an 'O'. The first day back had definitely been an interesting one.


"Amortentia!" Hermione squealed as Professor Slughorn held out another potion.

"Yes indeed, it seems silly of me to ask, but what is it's function?" Slughorn asked, looking extremely impressed.

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world! It's supposed to smell differently to each of us, based on what we are attracted to. For example, I smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and --" she faltered and her eyes grew wide while she turned slightly pink.

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