Chapter 23

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I was running through the castle, when I saw Malfoy gripping Skylar's arm, wand out. Anger boiled inside of me and I stomped out to the grassy area. "MALFOY!" I yelled as I raised my wand and began firing spells at him, some of them just missing Skylar's head. Malfoy said something quickly to Skylar before releasing the grip he had on her and running to Snape to Disapparate.

I ran over to Skylar and saw her sobbing insanely. "Skye? Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I asked hurriedly and she shook her head.

"No, Harry, I'm not fine. I'm not hurt, but... Harry, Dumbledore is dead..." she whispered, tears still making their way down her cheeks. "I know I wasn't extremely close to him, but I still can't fathom it; the fact that he's gone.. forever."

"I know, Skye. I watched it happen" I choked. Skylar flung her arms around me and buried her face in my chest. I rubbed her back and allowed a few tears leak out of the corners of my eyes.


I was sitting with Dean, Seamus, Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the way home and no one was saying a thing. Dumbledore's funeral had taken place yesterday and we were all still grieving. When the train pulled into King's Cross Station, I hugged everyone goodbye. "Harry, Ron, Hermione, I'll see you all for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Dean, Seamus, I'll see you in September; write me every week, please. Bye guys." I walked over to where I saw my brother waiting for me.

"Hey sis, how are you holding up?" he asked, taking my trunk.

I shrugged, "Alright, I guess. I mean, obviously I could be better, but I'm better than I was yesterday."

Rob took my hand, glanced around to make sure no muggles were watching, and Apparated us home. "Mum, we're home!" Rob yelled into the kitchen.

"Skye, honey, are you alright?" mum asked and I shrugged. Honestly, I didn't know if I was okay. I trudged upstairs and flopped on my bed.


(two months later)

"Skylar Marie Smith, wake up right now unless you want to miss Bill and Fleur's wedding!" I heard mum yell from downstairs and I reluctantly got out of bed. So far, my summer had been pretty boring; I had gotten a couple brief letters from Dean and Seamus, and absolutely nothing from the Trio. I spent most of my time worrying about Draco and wishing he could write to me.

"Alright, mum!" I yelled back, dashing into the bathroom to take a shower. I stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to race down my body and sighed. Once I was done, I quickly dried off and put on the dress my mum was forcing me to wear. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful dress, but I hated wearing dresses. The dress was a pretty sea-foam green with light flecks of silver across the top that fell just above my knees. To match the dress, I wore a pair of plain yet cute silver heels, gold bangles, and my amethyst necklace. I braided my bangs back and tied them into my bun, leaving a few small curls falling on the side of my face.

I walked into the kitchen when I was ready to leave. "Oh, honey! You look beautiful!" Mum gushed and my cheeks flushed a dull pink.

"Thanks, mum," I said softly. "I wish you and Rob would come with me, though."

"No no no, we're perfectly fine staying here. Have fun!" My mom said, handing me a bucket of Floo Powder. I walked over to our fireplace, stepped inside, and shouted, "The Burrow!" Green flames flared up around me and I felt myself spinning. I landed in the Weasley's firepit and coughed. Mrs. Weasley, who had been standing in the kitchen, scurried over to me and helped dust me off.

"Oh dearie, it's wonderful to see you! Welcome welcome! Everyone is upstairs; Harry, Ron, and Hermione in Ron's room, Charlie, Fred and George in the twins' room, Ginny in her own, and Bill and Fleur in Charlie's old room" Mrs. Weasley said happily, scurrying back to the kitchen to finish whatever she had been doing.

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