Chapter 20

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I walked down the many flights of stairs to where I would be meeting Dean and Seamus who were both as excited as I was for our first Apparition Lesson. I had a smile plastered on my face and I doubted it would be wiped away any time soon. I flew down the last flight of stairs and found the duo waiting for me. "Dean! Seamus! Ready to learn how to Apparate?" I asked with probably too much enthusiasm. Seamus laughed and nodded, as did Dean. "Well then, let's head! We don't want to be late!" We had to go down another flight of stairs and down a couple corridors before reaching the Great Hall; we barely made it there in time. McGonagall was just about to close the large doors when we sprinted through the doors.

"Miss Smith, Mister Finnigan, and Mister Thomas, it would do you well to arrive on time" McGonagall muttered and I flashed her a smile, letting her know it wouldn't happen again. I saw Draco smirking at me out of the corner of my eye and I resisted the urge to smirk back at him.

'How in Merlin's name did he beat me here?' I wondered.

I saw a Ministry Wizard make his way to the front of the Hall. "Good morning! My name is Wilkie Twycross and I shall be your Ministry Apparition instructor for the next twelve weeks! I hope to be able to prepare you for your Apparition Tests in this time--"

McGonagall cut him off by yelling at Draco, "Malfoy! Be quiet and pay attention!" I looked around for Draco and saw him standing directly behind Dean, Seamus, and me, flushing a dull pink as he stepped away from his two buffoons, looking furious. I shot him a look, curious as to what he was doing, and when he noticed, he just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Oh well, I'd bother him more about it when I met him tonight. I smiled at him and turned around to continue listening to Twycross.

Twycross finished his little speech and told everyone to separate so there was approximately five feet in front of them. Everyone jostled around and eventually, everyone had finally put enough distance between themselves and the people next to them."Thank you! Now then..." Twycross flicked his wand above his head and old, wooden hoops appeared on the floor in front of each student. "The important things to remember whilst Apparating are the three D's!" I heard Seamus chuckle and I rolled my eyes at his lack of maturity. "Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. First, focus your mind on your destination..." Twycross continued to explain the steps taken to be able to Apparate.

Overall, the class ended up being fairly boring; the only interesting thing that happened was seeing Susan Bones getting splinched. She managed to Apparate, but she had left her left leg five feet behind her, exactly where she started. Once Twycross exited the Hall, I bounced over to Hermione and we discussed our first experience trying to Apparate.

"I think I felt something the last time I tried - a kind of tingling in my feet," we heard Ron say. I held my tongue, not wanting to make a snarky remark, but Hermione didn't.

"I just expect your trainers are too small, Won-Won," Hermione smirked, dragging me with her as we headed out to the Black Lake. I shot Ron an apologetic look as I scurried past them.


I snuck out of the Gryffindor Common Room at 10:30 sharp, making sure not to run into any teachers. When I reached the Room of Requirement, I paced in front of it three times before a door appeared. I cautiously walked inside and saw Draco fast asleep on the couch. I walked over to him, planted a light kiss on his lips and sat down next to him so his head was in my lap. I began to play with his hair as I watched him sleep. As much as I wanted to sit and talk with him, I figured he needed his sleep; he looked so sick... I wish I could help him.

Suddenly, his eyes popped open and the flitted around frantically. "Draco?" I asked quietly, not wanting to frighten him.

"Wha-- oh, Skye! I'm so sorry!" he cried and I started laughing.

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