[ TWO ]

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Angel's eyes slowly open. She feels her body still, even though the trees and stars above move past her. As the consciousness comes back to her, she can feel herself being carried bridal style, her eyes find the face of her transporter as they readjust to the darkness.  He's running, so is his friend. Two men, maybe a bit older than her.

"Fuck...I think we lost 'em" The man not carrying her states as they slow to a walk. He has dark hair hidden beneath a ballcap, his voice is a little country, as were most of the voices she had encountered so far. The man carrying her spares a look behind his shoulder.

"Yeah...yeah...if he wakes up we're way ahead of him..." He breathes. His accent his thicker, more Southern than his companions. Angel shifts slightly in his arms, wanting to be put down. Both men stop and look at her. "Hey, woah there killer..." the man carrying her muses "You alright?" He asks her finally.

Angel winces "I-I can walk...put me down" she rasps, the air still returning to her chest.

"Oh can you now?" The man carrying her asks sarcastically "You had a bit of trouble a second go. Couldn't even stand up by yourself" he reminds her. Angel sighs, wincing at the pain in her head. She stops squirming, but definitely does not feel at ease with two strangers in the woods.

The dark haired man speaks, passing a glance to her between staring ahead at the trail. "You got a name?" He asks.

Angel's eyes flicker between the two. "I..." she starts, still trying to control her breathing "Angel" she replies.

The man carrying her smiles, looking down at her. He had scruff and some scattered cuts on his face. "Hey, there we go," he says encouragingly "Angel. Pleasure to meet ya. I'm Luke, this here's Nick" Luke introduces. Nick gives a little nod to her but keeps his gaze on the road. Luke looks down at her again.

To put it bluntly, she looked like hell. Dirt and debris on her skin, her hair frizzy and the odd leaf in it, she had a cut on her forehead and was dazed after being unconscious from exhaustion and other factors.  "How're you feeling?" He asks her.

Angel's dark eyes flicker up to meet his "I'm...I'm okay..." she lies. Partially because she didn't want them to know there was weakness there, although they could probably tell.

"You nearly died." Nick remarks, earning a scornful look from Luke. "What he means is...that guy uh, did a number on you. Not to say you didn't dish it back..." Luke adds, giving her a small smile. Angel's eyes flicker away, trying not to think about what had happened before they showed up or how tired her legs were from running. Luke notices her almost despondent gaze, looking at her with sympathy.

"Here...let me set you down, get your bearings a bit," he states, he lowers her so she's sitting on a log. Angel glances around nervously, the darkness around them could have anything jumping out of it.

"He's right," Nick agrees "you look like a train wreck."

Angel grimaces as she's placed down on the log. "That's what every woman wants to hear..." she sighs. The brunette shifts around.

Luke's eyes flicker down "you're not gonna get too far on that leg." He states. Angel's brows furrow confusedly.

"What? My leg's fi-" she cuts herself off, following Luke's gaze. To put it delicately, it's all fucked up. The bottom of her jeans are shredded, there's dirt and scrapes running up it from the rough and rocky terrain she had slid down. She could remember the pain, but had been too focused on trying to run. "Oh..." she breathes, looking at the mess.

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