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As Angel and Luke make their way to the bridge, two walkers can be seen groaning about. One standing near motionless while the other lays slumped against a rock.

"Hmm..." she can hear Luke hum softly, looking at them. "We can't shoot 'em...too much noise" he states, his voice low in his chest. Angel tilts her head slightly, looking at the walkers.

"It's only two...I think we can handle it" she comments, they approach, crouching behind a fallen log.

"I like your style" Luke comments "I'll take the big one, you get shorty" Angel passed a playful look to him.

"You know, it seems like I always get told to go for the short ones"
"That's because in this operation- six outta eight times you are the short one" Luke replies. Angel scrunches up her nose at that, but doesn't say anything. "Maybe some people would take me more seriously if that wasn't the case..." she says softly. Luke shakes his head at her "don't go lookin' for trouble just to act like a tough guy. There's enough trouble to go around. Come on...just, stick to the plan, okay?"

Angel nods, and soon their both to their feet. She approaches the smaller walker, sinking the blade of her ice tool into its skull a little deeper than she meant to. She gives it a slight tug, but it's jammed in their pretty good.

"Give it a good pull, should come free" Luke encourages. Angel huffs.
"You could help" she remarks, putting a foot against the rock and giving a big pull
"Don't be such a princess, you got it" he replies as she gives it one last tug that causes it to come free. She adjusts her grip around the hilt, turning to face the bridge.

"Attagirl" Luke grins, giving a singular pat on the back. Angel shakes her head with a little smile, though it would be a bit bigger if she weren't trying to hide it.

As they approach the bridge, Angel watches some debris kick off and go over the edge. She peers down at the lake far below, swallowing slightly as the way down looks even farther than it had before.

"You alright?" Luke asks, looking at her. Angel slowly nods pulling her vision away and straight ahead as she tries to let out a calming breath.

"Yeah...yeah..." she lies, she glances at Luke who gives her a skeptical look, expecting her to admit what was really bothering her. She lets out a breath again, turning her gaze away again.

"I'm just a little...acrophobic I guess" she admits
"like...you're scared of spiders?"
"What?" Angel asks, looking at him with furrowed brows "no! that's arachnophobia...I'm just...a little anxious around heights is all. But it's okay, I mean once you fall off a building it gets a little better...I think" she replies. Luke chuckles softly.

"You wanna go back? I can tap you out for Carlos, if it'll make ya feel better" He offers. Angel scrunches her nose up at that, shaking her head.
"No. No, I'll be okay. I got it" she says, more so trying to reassure herself than Luke.

"Hey," he says, coming to her side "you're gonna be alright. Just stay on that part right there..." he points to the thick metal flooring meant more for tires than people "and don't look down. I won't let you fall, besides, I'm your favourite, you gotta trust me" he says, trying to be light hearted for her. She raises her eyebrows.

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